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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Need all the help i can get.


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I've been taking clonazepam 1mgs for about 12 years, maybe longer. I have managed to taper the dose down to 0.5mgs over a year or so and am now trying to lower the dose again. My main reason for wanting to stop taking a benzo is that over the past 3 years I have developed severe DP/DR and am wondering if it could be due to the clonazepam. So there's only one way to find out.
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Hi paradox :hug:


Welcome to Benzobuddies!  Well done on your taper so far.  Its not easy getting off these meds alone, you should be proud for getting so far.  You will receive a lot of support and information here on benzodiazepine withdrawal. Sounds like you have tapered very steady, the rule of thumb is  5/10% reductions every 10-14 days


The DP/DR are common benzodiazepine withdrawal symptoms. Check out the Ashton Manual it is an authoritative  source on benzo withdrawal and recovery, written by an expert in the field.  It explains how the benzos affect the body, and  also lists symptoms that are caused by withdrawal or reduction .


This is a quote from The Ashton:


Depersonalisation, derealisation. Feelings of depersonalisation and of unreality are associated with benzodiazepine withdrawal, although they also occur in anxiety states. They occur most often during over-rapid withdrawal from potent benzodiazepines and are, anecdotally, particularly marked on withdrawal from clonazepam (Klonopin). In these states, the person seems detached from his body and seems almost to be observing it from the outside. Similar experiences are described in near-death states when the individual feels that he is hovering above his body, detached from the events occurring below. They are also described by people involved in extreme emergencies and in individuals subjected to torture. They are clearly not specific to benzodiazepines.


“Professor Ashtons Manual”


Here is a link to information on tapering:


General Taper Plans 


Here is a link to The Withdrawal & recovery support board where you can post questions relating to any symptoms : 


Withdrawal and Recovery 


In order for our members to give you the best informed replies can you, please Create a signature  


Please feel free to ask questions


Welcome  aboard




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Hi paradox,

Benzos are serious, mysterious and getting off this crap can be one hell

of a challenge. Don't worry , you will get plenty of support and advise

on this Forum.

i would join the Klonopin club.



Benzo knowledge is vital during this process, therefore i would advise you to read the

two links at my signature, very interesting.


Good to have you with us,

and all the best

Claudia. :)

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Hi paradox :hug:


Welcome to Benzobuddies!  Well done on your taper so far.  Its not easy getting off these meds alone, you should be proud for getting so far.  You will receive a lot of support and information here on benzodiazepine withdrawal. Sounds like you have tapered very steady, the rule of thumb is  5/10% reductions every 10-14 days


The DP/DR are common benzodiazepine withdrawal symptoms. Check out the Ashton Manual it is an authoritative  source on benzo withdrawal and recovery, written by an expert in the field.  It explains how the benzos affect the body, and  also lists symptoms that are caused by withdrawal or reduction .


This is a quote from The Ashton:


Depersonalisation, derealisation. Feelings of depersonalisation and of unreality are associated with benzodiazepine withdrawal, although they also occur in anxiety states. They occur most often during over-rapid withdrawal from potent benzodiazepines and are, anecdotally, particularly marked on withdrawal from clonazepam (Klonopin). In these states, the person seems detached from his body and seems almost to be observing it from the outside. Similar experiences are described in near-death states when the individual feels that he is hovering above his body, detached from the events occurring below. They are also described by people involved in extreme emergencies and in individuals subjected to torture. They are clearly not specific to benzodiazepines.


Professor Ashtons Manual


Here is a link to information on tapering:


General Taper Plans 


Here is a link to The Withdrawal & recovery support board where you can post questions relating to any symptoms : 


Withdrawal and Recovery 


In order for our members to give you the best informed replies can you, please Create a signature  


Please feel free to ask questions


Welcome  aboard





This is my first time writing on a forum so I hope i'm doing it right! How on earth do I work out what 5-10% of my dose is? My brain has turned to mush these last few years. I've recently cut my 0.5mg dose down by a quarter, so that's 25%. If I can tolerate this dose i'll stay on it for a while and then was planning to try another 1/4 cut, but no idea what percentage that would be. I don't want to go too fast. It's very hard cutting the pills up into 1/8ths. I usually end up with crumbs.

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Hello paradox,


I too would like to welcome you to the forum  :)


Congratulations on your taper so far!


The 25% cut that you've recently made is a large cut, greater than what is recommended and I can tell you that I wouldn't have been able to tolerate as large a cut as that when I was tapering particularly at the lower doses. Titration might be an option for you at this stage, this is where you crush the pill and mix with fluid, usally milk, to make a suspension. This way, very small, very accurate cuts to the daily dosage can be made. I used this method and found it to be very successful. I will give you a link to The Titration Taper Plan board where titration is fully explained, have a read of the pink stickies at the top of this board :





Some members use a jeweller's scale to assist with making very small cuts, this might be another option for you and I believe that klonopin (clonazepam) is available in liquid form also so that might be something to think about.



I'm glad you found us and I wish you success with the taper.



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