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Middle of the night panic


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Woke up at 3am feeling horrendous. Usually I wake up 3-4 times a night feeling terrible but it only lasts a short while and then I get back to sleep. Tonight is different though and I've been up for an hour just feeling like crap. On top of my usual nightmares, shaking and racing heart, tonight I have pins and needles down my left arm and hand, acid reflux, sweating and just general anxiety and restlessness. I'm seriously panicking because this is different/ worse than my 'usual' night time routine, which is horrible, but I'm kind of used to it now so don't usually panic.
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I'm sorry that you're struggling tonight.  Try to relax.  Maybe take something for the reflux.  I hope you can find calm and get a little sleep before sunrise.  Some nights are just like that, I guess.  Sucks.
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I feel your pain! This has happened to me many times, especially in the first 6  months. Now, I just wake up every darn two hours, like an alarm clock. The difference is that now I am not in a panic and can go back to sleep (usually).

I have found that the worst thing for me to do is to just lie there, getting upset. I get up, maybe drink some milk or herbal tea, then perhaps read. When I feel more relaxed, I go back to bed. There have been nights Ive repeated this many times.



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Thanks for the support! I'm still struggling and very very tired but i made it through another night. I would give anything for a night off where I slept solidly and didn't dream. I can't remember the last time I slept normally.
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This has happened a lot to me as well and it got worse 4 weeks ago, just like you said.  It's been better for the last week and a half.  It really caught me off-guard when it got unexpectedly worse (although it coincided with taking L-Theanine.)  It will hopefully pass in the next few weeks for you like it did for me.  Feel better!
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