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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.



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Hi, all.  I'm in my thirties, and I've taken benzos on and off for over a decade.  I live with a general anxiety and panic disorder.  Currently, I take about .25 to .5 mg daily.
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Hi, GerbalVenius!


Welcome to benzobuddies. Glad you found us.  :)


I'm assuming you're joining to come off the benzos? What type of benzos are you currently taking? You'll find many ways of handling anxiety and panic disorder without medication on our various boards.


A good resource about benzodiazepines is the Ashton Manual. Here is a link to the manual: Professor Ashtons Manual  It’s great for learning about these meds and for taper plans. Ashton recommends reducing between 5 - 10% every 10/14 days.


You'll find a great community of people here who will support and encourage you. Feel free to check out the forum and to post to any of the dedicated boards.


In addition to the Ashton Manual, here are some other resources:


For tapering advice, post here General Taper Plans


For support with any symptoms you may have, post here: Withdrawal Support


Please add a signature (history of medication/doses etc). It will help members give you relevant advice. This link will show you how to Create a signature


Please let us know if you have any questions.


~ Mind

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Hi Gerbal,

i just came by to join MindSeeker in welcoming you to the Forum. in case you

want to get some knowledge about Benzos, there are two links at my signature,

which will make you wiser.

all the best

Claudia. :)

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GerbalVenius,Welcome to the best place to get off benzos :thumbsup:



Mindseeker can you show me where ashton recommends  between 5 - 10% every 10/14 days please as my doctor wants to read it and Juliea say she doesn't recommend 10% cuts


Many thanks ,Small




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GerbalVenius,Welcome to the best place to get off benzos :thumbsup:



Mindseeker can you show me where ashton recommends  between 5 - 10% every 10/14 days please as my doctor wants to read it and Juliea say she doesn't recommend 10% cuts


Many thanks ,Small


Hey, Small.


I can't remember where in the manual it states the 5 - 10% rule, but if you look at the charts in the manual, that's what Dr. Ashton is doing.


For instance, the chart for withdrawing from Valium from 40 mg states to drop from 40 mg to 38 mg, which is a 5% reduction. The next reduction comes from 38 mg to 36 mg, which is 5.26% drop. The next reduction comes from 36 mg to 34 mg, which is a 5.56% reduction, and so forth.


As long as you stay within that range, there's a less likely (but no guarantees) chance of developing protracted withdrawal.



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