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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

C2c ranches


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Say they use neuroscience products to get you off psych meds. Anyone know anyyhing about these and are they safe or addictive. Seems too good to be true.
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It is too good to be true. I think the main product contains phenibut which appears to have a similar withdrawal profile to benzos. Damn I wish there was a short cut.
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Doesnt seem to be any shortcuts. Phenibut....oh dear. We've had several members get into serious trouble using that stuff. I think its works on the same receptors as benzos.



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If it seems to good to be true it probably is! There is a YouTube video on a guy name Brian who went through this called welcome to hell..he said baclofin was a miracle and made it very easy or took away a lot of the symptoms that helped him through it. But you have to use it in moderation or sparingly because it can have a withdrawal. He swears by it as a godsend. I've never tried it I think its OTC.
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The only other thing that works if that possibly works is a medical anesthetic controlled WD..where they put you under ..but that's pricy and you pry don't want to fly to California..they claim you'll wake up and receptors will be reset,you'll be medically withdrawed and be ok and back to normal ect. Idk much about it but I think they have the ability to do this because they have the procedure to withdrawal opiate addicts ect..and they are good to go after the procedure.I'm sure there's diff meds administered and type of things they do for the benzo withdrawal..I think its pretty rough while done and your under . I also don't know if your left with a eidrswal syndrome or normal.all things you could ask them. But I'm skeptical.
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