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smile and the world will smile back to you


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Yes! This is something Ive tried to do all along, usually successful at it, too. I was told by people here, when I was early on, to "act as if I was better than I was." So, I did, and it did help.  My depression felt less deep, and it was easier for me to distract. There have been days when its harder to do this, but I always keep trying. Good for you, for being willing to experiment.




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If you look into quantum theory regarding the nature of existence and the human consciousness it makes a lot of sense to actually PRETEND to be positive until it becomes very real. Haha, glad it helped you eastcoast. Badsocref what's up today? Care to chat about it?
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Nice thought but quantum theory? I have a degree in physics and actually took quantum mech courses...you know the kind with math like eigenvectors and hamiltonians and operators and what not and dont recall studying this smiling theorem. Please explain.

of course not that I remember or understand everything I Learned but it never ceases to amaze me how everything gets tied to some theory of modern physics.

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I am not an expert. I have never heard of this stuff about smiling and quantum theory. You mentioned it that is why I asked you.

I am not an expert in physics either but I did study it at uc San Diego. .


Btw I am not saying there is no nexus. I am sure somebody probably positive something like this. I just suspectit is sort of tenuous and doesnt come with any mathematical to attached. Not that I would undrrstand it now if it existed edpecially in my current state.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I am not an expert. I have never heard of this stuff about smiling and quantum theory. You mentioned it that is why I asked you.

I am not an expert in physics either but I did study it at uc San Diego. .


Btw I am not saying there is no nexus. I am sure somebody probably positive something like this. I just suspectit is sort of tenuous and doesnt come with any mathematical to attached. Not that I would undrrstand it now if it existed edpecially in my current state.


You obviously did not study enough, have you heard of the quantum zeno effect? Here's a nice video for you


It's not theory , it's actual physics.

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Of course i have heard of this phenimenom. Expanding the Quantum zeno effect to this quantum mind bs is complete unproven pop science.  It is not a part if mainstream physics but an extension posited by a few neuroscientists. It is goofball stuff imo. Also I believe people shoulf at least be able to, say, solvecsome problems in field theory using maxwell's equations before they start talkng about the puantum mechanical basis of positive thinking. If you have a set of governing equations for your smile theory by all means show and explain them. And please no links to you tube celebrities. I am willing to listen to actual proof.


In reality people love to give a physicist type name to sll sorts of macro level theories because tgey feel it guves their theories greater authenticity


I am more receptive to the idea of quantum cognition which appropriately take provable mathematical baby steps into understanding the operation of the brain.


Im done replying . Believe what you want. It is too hard typing on this stupid phone without making a bunch of typos.

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Of course i have heard of this phenimenom. Expanding the Quantum zeno effect to this quantum mind bs is complete unproven pop science.  It is not a part if mainstream physics but an extension posited by a few neuroscientists. It is goofball stuff imo. Also I believe people shoulf at least be able to, say, solvecsome problems in field theory using maxwell's equations before they start talkng about the puantum mechanical basis of positive thinking. If you have a set of governing equations for your smile theory by all means show and explain them. And please no links to you tube celebrities. I am willing to listen to actual proof.


In reality people love to give a physicist type name to sll sorts of macro level theories because tgey feel it guves their theories greater authenticity


I am more receptive to the idea of quantum cognition which appropriately take provable mathematical baby steps into understanding the operation of the brain.


Im done replying . Believe what you want. It is too hard typing on this stupid phone without making a bunch of typos.


I will listen to those with better knowledge than YOU. It is the only reasonable thing to do.

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