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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.



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My name is Darrin. Im a 46 year old male. I am desperate to find answers. This has been a 5-6 year mystery. It started with a mysterious rash all over me, and also what I describe as stroke like feelings. I literally am living in hell. For that last 6 years I have been to numerous doctors,specialist, emergency rooms,etc. I try to explain my episodes to them but no one wants to listen and just tell me I'm having panic/anxiety attack and all they want to do is treat the rash with steroids. I suffer greatly with symptoms that are hard to explain. Delerium,tremors,blurred vision,disoriented,trouble thinking during conversation,muscle spasms/twitching,insomnia, derealization, the list goes on and on. I'm getting very close to losing my job, my home and everything I've worked hard for. My concern and question is does anyone else suffer from these symptoms plus rashes because of xanax.  I'm at the end of my rope. My life is over as far as I can tell. But I hold on for my very loving families sake.

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Hi dajuice1967 :hug:


Welcome to benzobuddies, sorry your having a rough time. I am unsure if you are you off  Xanax or thinking of tapering off.  These meds should not be used more than two weeks, the body becomes dependant on them.  Symtoms your experiencing sound like benzo withdrawal symptoms. Have you read the Ashton Manual, I will put a link here for you: “Professor Ashtons Manual” It is an authoritative resource on benzodiazepines and how to withdraw,


Please feel free to check out the forum and post to any of the dedicated boards, you'll find a great community of people who are here to support and encourage you.


If you are wanting tapering advice then the general rule of thumb is to reduce between 5/10% every 10/14 days


For tapering advice General Taper Plans   


For support with any symptoms you may have post here: Withdrawal Support


If you would be so kind as to add a signature (history of meds/doses etc) it will help members give you relevant advice this link will show you how to”Create a signature”


If you have any questions, let us know.


Welcome Aboard




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Hello Darrin,


If you are still taking Xanax, then these symptoms are very similar to what I experienced during tolerance. That's when the body needs more and more of the drug to achieve the original effect. The only symptom I didn't have was a rash. I had a lot of medical tests that came back normal and it was very frustrating for me to feel so sick but technically be "well and healthy".


That's when I decided the drug (benzo) must be making me ill. I found a doctor that agreed and I tapered off.  It was the best decision I have ever made. While my withdrawal was challenging and it took me a while to heal, I am 100% better than when I was taking the benzo.



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Hi pianogirl

The way I got on the xanax was, about 6 years ago I was having chest pains and went to the ER. they said they had reason to believe I was indeed having a heart attack because of my EKG results. Well it scared me and they gave me ativan in my I.V. well after test they confirmed I wasn't having a heart attack and gave me a prescription for ativan. I followed up with my doctor and she put me on xanax. I didn't think anything about it,cause it seemed to help in stressful situations and we are supposed to trust our doctors. At no point did anyone tell me the risk except probably the paper you get with the prescription. I had a few bad episodes about a month after I was on them, so you just take a pill to calm you down. Let me first say I started out just taking as needed not the three times daily as instructed. But my symptoms got worse and the dosage went from .25 to .50 and I was using them more often. Then the rash started. So now I'm dealing with two mysteries. Doctor after doctor. Diets, new water softener, duct work cleaned out. Nothing was helping. But I was still relying on old faithful "xanax" at one point one dermatologist even put me on itraconazole for the rash, I later found out this drug mixed with xanax could be deadly. My dosage eventually got to 1mg. After close to six years and tons of blood work, MRIs, heart test, you name it, missing work, losing my home, embarrassment, I finally have came to the conclusion that xanax is the devil and causing me all of my problems. I don't know if I have a case but I have contacted a lawyer  anyway. Someone should be held responsible. They've robbed me of everything, and six years of my life. I don't understand how all these educated so-called professionals couldn't figure this out. Chalk another win up for "BIG PHARMA"!!!

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Hi dajuice I had every one of those symptoms plus dozens more. I was in tolerance withdrawals for years and had no clue what the hell was wrong with me!',. I found benzobuddies, it told me everything I needed to know. It's been 7 mos since I quit and overall I'm doing better than before.....much better. You can do it. You will be OK, we are here for you. Peace and love to you my friend :thumbsup::smitten:
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Hey Darrin,


That could have been me as well. Every time I have an ekg the computer punches out a result that says that I likely had a myocardial infarction.  One doctor sent me for a stress echo cardiogram and my heart is very healthy. My doctor said not to worry that it's just the normal rhythm for my heart.


I was however, put on benzos for an inner ear issue that I didn't end up having.  I didn't look into any kind of lawsuit, I was so ill from the meds, the cold turkey and then after reinstatement, the tolerance.  I was just glad to get off the drug and put benzos in the rear view mirror.


You can also get off Xanax,  it will take planning, patience and determination.  Read the information contained in the links that Magrita provided, there is a lot of good information there.  Come here for support and encouragement.  We know about this process and understand how these drugs affect your body.  I really think you'll feel so much better once you are benzo free and healed.  My transformation was amazing, all the issues I had while on benzos disappeared once I recovered.


pianogirl  :)

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