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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

The benzos aren't working/ feel like I'm on a bad trip


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I feel like I'm on a bad drug trip.  The doctor said it's from my anxiety and not the drugs.  I don't know what to beleive.  I took my Ativan but it didn't work like it did b4.  Rapid tolerance?  I'm living second to second.  My dr said during this crisis I can take up to 8mg of Ativan a day.  I don't know what to do guys.  I'm dying here.  I'm truly in hell now.
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Hi Metheral...can you update your signature?  Not sure what AD and when you started taking it...and yes, the start-ups on ADs can be difficult.  When I started Celexa I felt like I was going crazy in the first couple of days...I stopped taking it at that point.


The Ativan may not work after tapering... that happens to many people.

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I feel like I'm on a bad drug trip.  The doctor said it's from my anxiety and not the drugs.  I don't know what to beleive.  I took my Ativan but it didn't work like it did b4.  Rapid tolerance?  I'm living second to second.  My dr said during this crisis I can take up to 8mg of Ativan a day.  I don't know what to do guys.  I'm dying here.  I'm truly in hell now.a


I have heard the description of a "bad drug trip" before. I am so sorry that you are feeling so badly. I know firsthand how horrific withdrawal from Ativan can be. I stopped 8 mg a day cold turkey 9 months ago. My withdrawal was nothing less than horrific and the mental pain excruciating. It sounds like you have reached tolerance. By the end of my use I was right there as well. 8 mg is huge dose of benzodiazepines. In my opinion you need to come off them very carefully. I personally would try another benzodiazepine to withdraw from that may work better such as valium. Many doctors use valium as a cross over choice because of its long half life.

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Sigh of relief....glad you feel better. 8 mgs of Ativan...Personally I think that's a horribly high dose. Ativan is very strong.

I hope you don't have to do ECT, Metherall. But if you do, make sure the doctor tells you all the risks, side effects etc. Its much safer than it used to be, and some people do get relief from it. But...there are some big risks, too.

Hang in there, buddy....you're doing pretty well.



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I agree with benzosrcruel, that crossing over to Valium at some point, once you've stabilized, would be a really good idea, and then to taper off slowly from Valium. When I was on Ativan, it was a constant roller coaster because of its short half-life.


Metheral, I wish you the best during your hospital stay and afterward!  :smitten:

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Thanks,  it's hard not to take more than what I'm taking.  I'm taking 3 mg today.  Hopfully I can go without tmr.  My doctor said he appreciates and understands my position in regards to my benzo history but this is extremely serious situation and Ativan is the only drugs that is going to be able to keep u alive until the other meds work.  The only other treatment that can buy me some time is ECT which I don't want to do.
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Meth, you have to do what you feel is the right thing. If this is what you need to do now, its okay. You will have time later to deal with it.....for now, you need to start to calm down, and feel better about life.

Hang in there, buddy.



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I think you know its not okay to take them or that your doc said you can take up to eight a day,let alone one! Outrageous. I was afraid this would happen and many of us tried to tell you what we thought..so sorry. People try to help people on these boards for a reason.to  help others from making mistakes so they don't suffer. That bad acid trip is a restarted withdrawal.I tried to tell you this would happen.  :(
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Metherall is in a tough position right now, as he is a patient on a psych unit at the present. He may not be in any condition to be making judgement calls...his personal safety comes first, as he has been suicidal.  I hope he feels better soon.



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I think you know its not okay to take them or that your doc said you can take up to eight a day,let alone one! Outrageous. I was afraid this would happen and many of us tried to tell you what we thought..so sorry. People try to help people on these boards for a reason.to  help others from making mistakes so they don't suffer. That bad acid trip is a restarted withdrawal.I tried to tell you this would happen.  :(


I don't know if I agree with this. 


Could it not be start-up symptoms of an A/D that he is experiencing?


When I first started on an A/D it made me feel extremely strange for about 2 weeks.



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I have used the bad acid trip description a lot. Just feel like your ona bad drug and it won't stop? It's gotten a little better but still have it on my bad days.
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I don't think so Disney girl..sure the ads can make you feel a little spaced out or a bit weird while starting up..but not the horrific acid like trip type of feeling you get that waxes and wanes coming off benzos as things up regulate. No offense but ads do not cause this in 2 days ..and he described and acute bad acid trip feeling..that benzos cause once he started taking them again..also he got relief from all this once the benzos kicked in after taking them again. I would say its definitely the benzos.and stopping and starting up at any stage in WD can set you far back throw you into  acute WD hell and restart he WD and reset your receptor sensitivity. Ashton states it makes you very I'll very far out and prolongs delays or can reset WD. Either way meth is getting the help help he needs and Its a critical situation of getting help and back on his feet. I didn't realize he was in a psych ward. He came along way off benzos and the other drugs started interfering. It will be a long road..but you'll get there method. Sorry we support you.
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I had an awful time starting the stronger AD's. I didn't have what I would describe as a bad acid trip with those drugs but with all of the symptoms I had I know they were doing something to my CNS. I'd say it is definitely possible but you never know with psych drugs.
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I've been reading more reviews on line and that strange feeling is definatly the early side effects of the AD.  Everyone said they go away in time. 
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I had an awful time starting the stronger AD's. I didn't have what I would describe as a bad acid trip with those drugs but with all of the symptoms I had I know they were doing something to my CNS. I'd say it is definitely possible but you never know with psych drugs.


Did the feeling go away?

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