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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Could someone please affirm that the depression is DUE to the benzo?


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Hi there everyone,

So, until this new addiction pdoc I had the miraculous chance to meet, all three of my other doctors poo-pooed that the depressed feeling I've been having all summer is/was due to tolerance to the benzo and my tapering down. My life is great, my family is great, and my job is pretty good, and I have never before in my 47 years of life been physically depressed. This is in part due to the benzo, right? Once I get off will my depression improve? I really don't want to start another drug to get off of a drug.

Thank you in advance.


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Using benzodiazepines and tapering from them can both cause depression and often do.  This is usually poo-poo'ed by the medical profession, I'm afraid.  Someday... maybe they'll get it. 


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Hi there everyone,

So, until this new addiction pdoc I had the miraculous chance to meet, all three of my other doctors poo-pooed that the depressed feeling I've been having all summer is/was due to tolerance to the benzo and my tapering down. My life is great, my family is great, and my job is pretty good, and I have never before in my 47 years of life been physically depressed. This is in part due to the benzo, right? Once I get off will my depression improve? I really don't want to start another drug to get off of a drug.

Thank you in advance.




A year and a half ago I was in tolerance, but at the time I had no idea why I was so sick. I was bed ridden for 79 days with depression. During those 79 days I never smiled or laughed once. I was frozen in depression. Now I am off benzodiazepines, and am no longer in bed and I can laugh and smile again. In my opinion your depression is from the benzodiazepines.

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Thank you everyone! I intrinsically knew that the benzos were causing this and am glad to hear that it sill subside once I am off. It makes it easier to bear, and I can "rationalize" my way though it if I know there is an end in sight. I do not want to start an AD, as I have tried Effexor, Pristiq, and Remeron, and honestly they made me more "down" due to their sedating effects.
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I have Bipolar II Disorder, which basically means severe depression, as well as an anxiety disorder. However, things had been pretty well-balanced for a number of years. It wasn't until I went up drastically on klonopin (to help with a semi-recent trauma) that severe depression kicked in again. It is intermittent on my taper, which started about 8 months ago. I realize there are a lot of extenuating factors, and while my current life scenario is less than desirable, I have no doubt that these pills are to blame for the worst of it. I used to have the capacity to find my way out - and this capacity only grew with the years, but now I'm buckled down most evenings/nights. Lately,  it's always a time-of-day thing.
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  • 2 weeks later...
I never had depression before in all my life either. That really kind of angers me that a doctor would dismiss it like that. Especially since you are so early in the process and even basic literature says you may suffer from depression. I mean even the drug literature itself.
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One of the doctors even told me that Klonopin is thought to "cure" depression in Japan! Was he or I delusional or what?  :P
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One of the doctors even told me that Klonopin is thought to "cure" depression in Japan! Was he or I delusional or what?  :P


Very delusional.

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One of the doctors even told me that Klonopin is thought to "cure" depression in Japan! Was he or I delusional or what?  :P


I forgot that it is prescribed for depression. Sarah Silverman (comedian) was prescribed Xanax as a teenage for depression.

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