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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Been suffering for months - every day 4am-2pm- anyone else? Please help.


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I am sick every single day from 4am - 2pm - weak, dazed, shaky, hopeless, afraid and just suffering every minute. There is never a break. I feel like it will never end. Need your thoughts BBs - I am living in a nightmare. (currently 5 1/2 months off Lorazepam).
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Hi, allisonleigh. The morning anxiety or what I called "morning fears" can be caused by cortisol surges that are really common in benzo withdrawal.


I found that getting up and eating protein as soon as possible helped. Also, listening to guided meditations can help, although it can be really hard to concentrate.


Restorative Yoga is also good in the morning. There are studies showing that yoga does lower cortisol over time. Not sure about the extreme type of cortisol from benzo withdrawal.


This will pass. I was having these while in tolerance withdrawal and was very relieved when I found this site and found out it was related to the benzo. This means it will pass. The morning anxiety is gone now, and it will go for you, too.


Try to distract as much as you can.  ;)

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I am sick every single day from 4am - 2pm - weak, dazed, shaky, hopeless, afraid and just suffering every minute. There is never a break. I feel like it will never end. Need your thoughts BBs - I am living in a nightmare. (currently 5 1/2 months off Lorazepam).


I had this same pattern every day for about a year.  Felt absolutely awful in the mornings, then slightly better after lunch, and usually much better after 4pm.  Sometimes it was like someone threw a switch and the lights came on!  Gradually, very gradually, this pattern changed and I began to have a few good mornings.  Then everything evened out and real healing began.  I'm 64 now.


The fact that you do feel better later in the day is a very good sign.  It means that healing is taking place and your system is trying to normalize.  You'll get there.  Meanwhile, keep distracting yourself....



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