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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

please, please, please talk to me, i need your feedback


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Yesterday was terrible. Anxiety through the roof. I'm laying in bed last night feel this unbelievable anxiety going through my whole body, all tense. I get it to go away and go to sleep, wake up and its back. fight it to go away , go back to sleep, and so on. Cant stand the sightless noise. This is what it was like in the first month of acute, and I'm in month 11. Now I'm thinking is this just me or is something else wrong or what. If I try to explain it to the doctor they just look a me funny, and want to give me more pills. Cant do that. I guess its a wave, but it has me worried.
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Hi Wolflake,

If I were in your shoes, and very worried about this, I guess Id see my doctor, tell him how I felt without going into detail about being in withdrawal.  I'd probably say something like "You should know that I quit using a benzodiazepine 11 months ago." This way you avoid the funny looks. And, if a doctor tells you you should take some pill, you do not have to do it. Period!!! If a doctor offered me another benzo I would absolutely decline. We pay doctors to diagnose and treat us, yes. But WE own pour bodies and minds, and can choose what treatments we will accept.


Having said all that, it does sound like withdrawal to me. Nighttime anxiety is pretty common, so is trouble sleeping.  It does sound like a bad wave. They can happen for no reason, and go away for no reason. Hopefully, this will all feel better to you soon.



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Think about some form of simple meditation (MBSR). We can fight this stuff, but in my experience that just stokes the agitation even more. Accept and just ride it out as best you can. I get the 2:00 to 4:00 am wakings periodically too (sometimes for days on end) and it's VERY easy to amp up the frustration during those times -- especially when you know you still have to get up and go to work regardless. It's a nasty, unwanted house guest. We'll get rid of him in due time.
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