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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

From 3mg Ativan to 0.5mg Clonazepam in 1 month


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Hey everyone,


Everything I've posted on here before has been pretty morbid. It's been a while, I'm living in the Middle East now. I was previously on 0.25mg Xanax and over a period of two years this was bumped up to 3mg Ativan. I have to admit that Ativan was great and made me feel like a human but I viewed my dependence on it as a prison.


Finally, that fatal time came where I had to make the decision to go up to 3.5 or 4mg per day. I said no. I went to a different psychiatrist and he put me on a maximum of 1.5mg Clonazepam a day but wanted me to only take 1mg if possible. I stuck to the 1mg and things weren't too bad, I had no withdrawal symptoms at all. I cut this down to 0.5mg after two weeks and now, I'm taking 0.5mg per day.


I've moved now and medical services aren't as advanced here. Was the taper given to me dangerous? I really want to scrap this last 0.5mg I take daily and save it for emergencies. Any advice on how the doctor conducted himself in regards to tapering and how I should continue?


Guys, there is light at the end of the long dark tunnel. Please, don't fret.

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Hi killahwhale,

How are you feeling? 

You posted these symptoms in January, have you gotten worse?  Are you now unable to get more pills?


"A racing heart (up to 150bpm in full on panic mode)

Feeling feint or light headed

Shortness of breath

A tight throat

Overwhelming sense of Impending doom

Chest Pain

Sleep Paralysis

Detachment from reality

Racing thoughts

Cramps in my scalp"


Molly :smitten:




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Things are a lot better! I'm managing the heart rate with Atenolol which also helps with palpations. I've barely had any side effects cutting from 3mg Ativan to 0.5mg Clonazepam.


My post was supposed to sound hopeful :P

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Sorry killahwhale, I just woke up and shouldn't have posted until fully awake and my mind was functioning.  ::).


I'm so glad to hear your doing better, what great news. :thumbsup:


Did you want to know if we think you should taper the last .5 slowly? 


Molly :smitten:


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I cant comment on the taper because that's not something I know much about, and don't want to mislead you. Just wanted to say that your post does sound more upbeat.....good job. I hope the coming days treat you well.



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