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OH CRAP! Did I just make a terrible mistake?


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CRAP! I think I just made a horrible mistake.



I've been taking .5mg xanax in the am and 1mg at night. I write everything down, and I just took my nighttime dose. When I looked at the paper to write it down it said I took a whole mg this am, so I also looked in my journal and it said the same thing. Is this going to set me back? What do I do tomorrow? Take .5mg in the am and .5mg evening to even it out?  Or go back to .5 in the am and 1mg at night?  How does this work when you screw up?


I'm so mad at myself. argh!

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Vango......try not to worry.....you will be fine.....just go back to doing what you were doing.....I do not believe that will have any effect at all.....


I hope your taper is smooth... :smitten:m....

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Thanks minnie!  I was really worried.  I could swear I remember taking a half, but I wrote down 1mg, so I'm not sure what I did this am.


~K    :smitten:

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