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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

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I'm done. I want to die.  I'm sitting in the psych ward contemplating trying to hang myself in my room.  I can't live with benzos and can't live without them.  I'm trying not to take them.  Obsessing about taking them.  Just need this to all stop.
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Please tell a nurse how your feeling.  I know what's it like and I probably am not one to advise but hang in there.  I'm probably going to end up in a similar position.  God helps us both.  Sending prayers.
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Satch is right.  Please, immediately tell a nurse how you're feeling.

I'm praying for you, and I will continue to do so.

Please, speak to a nurse about what's going on with you.



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Metheral,  Please try to relax and maybe watch a show on TV or surf the web a bit?  It will help you distract?  I'm praying for you.  It's your benzo brain thinking up the idea that you won't ever be able to get off the drugs.  You will.  It just takes some time.  God help you.
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It's just those damn drugs.  I'm in the same boat.  Think about ending it all, too.  My problem is I'd screw it up, and that would make things 10x worse. 
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Please tell the nurse, they might be able to give you a shot of morphine to get you through this difficult patch - if you don't want drugs then ask to see a psychologist who can help you think your way through this. Don't give up, look at all the success stories on here, everyone has either made it or will make it, I had times where the depression was so bad I just wanted to end it all but these waves will pass!
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You'll get off them eventually.  Don't feel bad about it.  It's helping now.  I've taken rescue doses myself and others have too.  Just try to relax.  It's tough being in a hospital, the unfamiliar place, etc.  Let the ppl. there help you.  Just try to distract as best you can until this rough patch passes. 
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Please talk to a dr. you need face to face help....you will get better and be glad that you did not do anything drastic....you are reaching out that says that you want help....listen to that voice that is reaching for help.....it will guide you..... do not let the drug beat you....pull up whatever strength you can muster and fight.....you can do this....many of us were right where you are.....and we are all glad we are still here.....


Keep reaching out on here....we will be here for you...hang on please.... :smitten:...m

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I'm hopeful you will speak to your physician about all of your questions - including your treatment options, Metheral.   


You're in my thoughts and prayers


Stay strong



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Keep clutching at straws.....I have not heard of what you mentioned.....but see, you want to get better and you will.....hope is there...keep grasping....you will find the lifeline :thumbsup:.....m
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hey matheral

youre young, youve got yrs of good ahead of you.


you have even taken college courses. youre doing ok just having a setback.


youre in the right place until you can figure this out.


good luck stay safe

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I'm done. I want to die.  I'm sitting in the psych ward contemplating trying to hang myself in my room.  I can't live with benzos and can't live without them.  I'm trying not to take them.  Obsessing about taking them.  Just need this to all stop.


Hello dear Metheral :hug:


My heart goes out to you, I hope you are safe, I know how much you are suffering right now, I have been there, so I do understand.  You have to remind yourself, the suicidal thoughts are not the real you thinking, it’s the drug!  Benzo withdrawal is such a rotten thing to go through. I promise your life won’t always be this way, it really does get better


Our reach is limited on the forum. None of us here are equipped to deal with threats of self harm. Please! call someone, a doctor!  or a friend!  What you need right now is on the ground help, get face to face help immediately, or go to the nearest emergency room,  your life is very precious. 


Please don’t think of doing something permanent, withdrawal is temporary. We care and we want you to be safe, call and talk to someone on the ground. 


Let me refer you to our "Suicide and Self-harm" page, which is a useful resource:




Magrita  :smitten:





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i am so sorry you are feeling this way. i'm saying prayers for you right this very moment.


the transcranial magnetic stimulation is relatively new and who know's if it will work on a benzo brain? the depression from benzo withdrawal isn't really real depression. it's just another symptom of benzo withdrawal.


it's so complicated when it comes to all the symptoms from benzo withdrawal. i hope you can get through this! i know you can get through this. if you need to take another rescue dose to keep yourself alive and figure out all you need to do, that's okay.


don't be so hard on yourself. this is such a hard thing to go through. i am still house bound and mostly bed ridden at almost 26 months out. my life has been completely taken away from me. i live inside my parents house day after day, i know how hard this is. everyday is a torment and trying to keep myself above water at all times, it's exhausting. i have to dig into my reserve's when there's almost nothing left anymore and then i have to keep digging in again. it's a constant pulling myself up from the bootstraps.


but you will get through this because you've had some decent times before. i know you have because i've seen all your posts.


please hang in there and get the right kind of help!

love, pretty

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What about transcranial magnetic stimulation?  The reviews look good.  I'm just clutching at straws


I'm not sure what this is, but if you've read about it, and think there is any chance it may help, mention it to your doctor.


Hang-in there, buddy.  We're all pulling for you.


We all care very much about you.  :thumbsup:

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