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Cleaning out my system


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I was on .5mg daily xanax for over 4 years-taken off abruptly 4 mos. ago after suicide attempt-I stopped lithium and long term prozac use 2 weeks ago after severe anxiety that landed me in the ER. Today I had a pretty good day. Staying busy and focused seems to help. I am sure it is not over, but at this point the doctor has had me on buspar, hyrocycline, latuda, changing every few weeks in addition to lithium and the prozac. So I am done - rebooting if you will. I cannot tell the difference between symptoms, side effects and withdrawal. And I know the doctors can't. I am starting over - not driving or operating heavy machinery so everyone is safe. Any thoughts? I'll keep posting.



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Sounds like you are on the right path. Staying busy is the best way to handle symptoms, no matter what is causing them. Your doctors have no way to tell this. 

I like your thinking, that you are cleaning up, cleaning out and re-booting. That's a great way to look at it. You have been through a lot, and now is a good time to start to rebuild your life.

Id like to know how you're doing in the coming days.



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