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Gabapentin and/or Elavil Advice Asap


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Fellow BBs, I am now 6 month CT from ambien suffering intense harsh WDS (physical: neuropathic pain, intense body burning, vibrations, tinntitus, my hand feels like rug burns, and my head is on fire) and mental (anxiety, panic, crying). I was tapering down neurontin past few months and was holding at 300mg, down from 1200mg (over past 3 months). In August I was doing a little better, and thought nerve pain was almost gone. Last 10 days neuropathic pain is horrid, and all other sxs increased badly. No sleep for 5 nights.


My doctors do not recognize ambien WDs. But has prescribed the neurontin and elavil. I was so afraid to take any meds, so I never tried the elavil, and started to decrease the neurontin.


I am so close to losing it, I feel so alone, no medical help and I do not want to hinder my healing. So what should I do? Increase neurontin and see if helps or elavil or combo of both? Maybe start with a small dose?I was prescribed prozac also, but refused to take it....so afraid of being polydrugged. Advice please?


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Personally, I'd consider increasing the neurontin to 600 mg to see if it helps.  You're familiar with that med.  600 is still much less than you were taking.  I didn't drop neurontin until I was pretty well through the worst of my benzo withdrawal symptoms.
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