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Every other day depression


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I am sorry to read that you are experiencing depression every other day. I have not read of that before. I guess the only good side of that is that every other day you are not experiencing depression. Hopefully those odd days will turn into the more even days.
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Thx BC

The depression is so crushing lasting all day till bed time. Being over 9 month off of benzos and 4 months off of remeron I truly believed it would have eased off. I had a break last couple of weeks where I thought I had turned the corner cause it changed to every 5 days. That only lasted twice as of Sunday it's back to every other day and I find that strange. Have not read of this pattern with anyone else. I am glad it's not every day but finding it harder and harder every time it arrives!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Jrod, all of my symptoms were every other day as soon as I started taking kalonapin. I had a good day and a day from hell. My worst symptom was nerve pain.
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