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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Taper from Xanax using to Valium


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5 years ago, I was put on a dose of 0.25mg Xanax in the morning for anxiety.  Over a period of 3 years, this increased to 4mg (still once a day).  In the 4th year, I reduced the dose to 2 mg and in the 5th year, I went to 1.5mg.  I am now at the beginning of the 6th year.  Recently, I have cut the dose every 2 weeks - to 1.375mg, then 1.25mg and I am now on 1.125. I have always had mild withdrawal symptoms in the late afternoons and evenings due to this fast acting drug.  At times when these were worse, I often took an extra 1mg-0.5mg at night (there were days I took 5mg). I find I wake at 5am needing my dose. The last reduction was the first time I felt horrible for 2 days, on days 3 and 4 (except for my "PS" at the end!). I have read the Ashton manual and realise that I need to change over to Valium slowly. I am seeing my doctor tomorrow morning to discuss this.  I am not sure how to switch over and then taper as I am taking Xanax in the morning and I need to move to taking the Valium at night. P.S. When my doctor was away, another doctor told me I needed to stop taking Xanax cold turkey (I was on 2mg at the time).  It was a weekend from hell. I couldn't think, was burning up, felt like I was going to have a heart attack or seizure.
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Hello crystaline, and welcome to the forum.  We're glad you found us.  Congratulations on your Xanax taper so far! You've done very well, it seems.  You're correct about the switch over to valium, which should be done gradually.  I crossed over from Xanax to valium (more rapidly than normal, because my prescription had been stopped) and I found that the valium smoothed things out due to its long half-life and sedating properties.  Here are a few links you'll find useful:


Substitution Taper Plans


Withdrawal Support (during your taper).


The Ashton Manual is an authoritative source on what to expect in withdrawal and recovery.  Dr. Ashton is an expert in the field.  She describes and explains withdrawal symptoms, and there is also a section with withdrawal/taper schedules.


Please take the time to Create a Signature.  This will allow others to see where you are in the process so they can better support you.


Again, welcome!




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I tapered directly from Xanax, (many of us have), so I can't speak about a Valium crossover except from watching others do this.  But I can say I could have never managed a .125mg dose reduction even starting at 1.5mg.  From just above 1.5mg I adopted a tiny, .0625mg dose reduction.  This is a quarter of a .25mg Xanax.  This cut served me well all the way to zero.


So you're dosing Xanax once per day?  This is pretty rare to be able to do, if this is the case.  I was a one time per day doser too, but I did not get the between dose, (interdose), withdrawal that Xanax is famous for.  Most people I know who are tapering Xanax break up and spread out their days dose to 3-6 times per day to combat this problem.


I wish you well with your cross over.  I hope you get the benefit you're expecting.  Glad to have you join us!  :)

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Thank you for a great forum.  Went to my doctor this morning and he suggested I swop Xanax for Rivotril and taper off in 6 weeks. I told him I want to follow the Ashton method and fortunately he agreed. Will let you know how it goes.
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Hello crystaline,


I too would like to welcome you to the forum  :)


Thank you for the update.


I'm pleased to hear your doctor is being cooperative in allowing you to follow Dr Ashton's protocol for tapering. Many of us find the lower doses more challenging and most of us need to slow down our taper rates at this stage to ensure that the withdrawal effects are kept to a minimum.

I hope the crossover goes well and I wish you success with the taper.



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