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What do you consider a window?


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My definition is I feel better than the usual crappiness.  I'm not as depressed or anxious...I feel better for some undefined reason.  I DON'T feel completely back to normal, I just feel better.  Does this make sense?
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Hi Jerryk,

I never had a window but from everything I have read, people say that they "just feel normal" for a while. Personally, I think its however YOU choose to define it. Having windows does not mean one isn't healing, however. I got kind of stuck thinking that, and later I realized it wasn't true. Healing goes on despite symptoms, because our bodies are always trying to normalize.



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I don't seem to realize and I "in one" until after. It's almost like I forget about all this and then, snap, wow, hey, I am doing OK!


One of my reasons why I felt ready to stop isolating so much and get out there, I find going out triggers windows even when I am simply forcing myself to fake it in the beginning. Hoping that happens for you eventually when the time is right!

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Sometimes for mere minutes, but it's definitely noticeable.  I had one (many months ago) during a bike ride.  It was during a time when I was feeling pretty weak, physically.  Then, all of a sudden, I felt like I was strong, symptomless.  My pace picked way up for 10-15 minutes.  Then I felt tired again, and slowed down.  Not a very long window, but definitely noticeable.  I took it as a sign of things to come (and I was right).
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