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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

On the journey


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Starting a support journal today after keeping a personal journal for the past two years. Reason being that my body and brain felt like I could taper down to .375 mg. Clonazepam after being on .5 mg since Aug. 30, 2014. I have been tapering for two years from 3 mg. having been on the drug for 25 years. I continue to be on 100 mg. Trazodone to help with sleep. Lucky if I get 3 hours but it's something. This is one horrific and lonely battle. Dare not tell anyone what is going on. All ready lost a friend who didn't get it. How was she to ever understand, anyway! How could I ever share unbelievable withdrawal symptoms with anyone at 7 am or 11 pm or 2 am.


Feeling kind of fuzzy this morning, loud tinnitus as usual. Gut issues and constant phlegm in my esophagus. Low grade headache and the usual tight band around my head, facial tightness on left side, fuzzy tongue, and very stiff neck. Feel like I have a cold but I don't because of the mucous build up in my sinuses. Thought I had allergies but figured out I don't. The poison is making it's way out of my body.


Will take .125 mg at 10 am, then .125 at 4 pm and the final . 125 at 10 pm.


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Yep, you're absolutely right about the importance of listening to your body. I have improved at doing that and I am realizing just how polluting these horrid drugs are. They seem to help at the time they are prescribed but they take over every organ in the body. They infiltrate every cell in the body. As your body tells you that you need to remove some of the toxins so you do, but your body then protests the removal of the toxins.


I have wondered about anyone having noticed changes in the color of their teeth? Does anyone out there have permanent stains around the margins of their teeth?

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Nope, not from benzos. My teeth are stained from too much coffee and too many cigarettes!


I think its great you've started a journal. Its a good way to keep track of progress, since our memories may be a bit fuzzy.


Benzo withdrawal is (IMO) one of the lonliest things a person can do. We don't get support from our doctors or the public, our families don't understand and nor do our friends. This is one of the reasons I am so grateful for BB's existence.



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Nope, not from benzos. My teeth are stained from too much coffee and too many cigarettes!


I think its great you've started a journal. Its a good way to keep track of progress, since our memories may be a bit fuzzy.


Benzo withdrawal is (IMO) one of the lonliest things a person can do. We don't get support from our doctors or the public, our families don't understand and nor do our friends. This is one of the reasons I am so grateful for BB's existence.




Here here!

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