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uncharted territory


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Well I went 10 months last year, and I'm at the end of ten months again now without taking anything, so I'm entering uncharted territory now going into month 11. I've been having a lot of the head stuff lately so hopefully I start seeing more improvement ahead. Wish me luck.



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Absolutely, I wish you ALL the luck!!!! What an accomplishment, 10 months without taking anything......be proud of yourself, I know it wasn't easy.

What kind of "head stuff" are you having? Mental symptoms? Physical?



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Hi eastcoast, Mostly the anxiety, dizzy feeling, cortisol rushes in the morning. Very hard to concentrate when its going on. Its a feeling I started having years ago when I had mini wds from taking Xanax. It just started getting worst and longer each time. A very familiar feeling. Felt it almost everyday in the first couple of months of wd. When its real bad makes it very hard to sleep.



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Wolf, I know the feeling. I was like that a long, long time. Its much better now. This will get better for you, but it may take some time. Took me a little over a year before I was stable mentally, cognitively. Even now I have my moments, but nothing like I used to be.

Perhaps if you pace yourself, take things slow in the morning...plan your day for the afternoons, if possible....that might help. But mostly, just accept that these are symptoms, and not permanent changes.



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