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Gabapentin for nerve pain?


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I have wretched nerve pain most likely, I've been told, from a spinal cord injury in  2004, narcotics won't touch it, it's in my trunk area. Anyone use gaba for that, and not necessarily w/d? Thanks!
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I took Gabapentin for nerve pain a couple years ago, and it did noting for me, except make me sleepy.


Maybe it would possibly be of benefit for you.


Could you try it, at least short-tern, and see if it helps?


Nerve pain can be pretty nasty.  So sorry you are experiencing it.  :(

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Jack....I am so sorry to read that you are in so much pain and unable to sleep. Gabapentin is given for so many different things....nerve pain, anxiety, and even insomnia. It is also given as a "crutch" to come off benzodiazepines. My best friend was just given it on Friday for nerve pain. it has not helped at all. However, I have seen it work in others. It can be a very difficult drug to withdraw from, causing benzodiazepine withdrawal like symptoms. But you can constantly be in the pain you are in. I think I would give it a try. Good luck jack.
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If you're not sleeping, maybe it would at least help for sleep.


I guess I'm not sure if it makes everyone sleepy/drowsy, but it sure did for me.


Your surgery is a month away, maybe try taking it till surgery??


So sorry, Jack. :(


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Thanks guys. Had a dumbass trip to the er yesterday, I was up all night Friday with horrible groin and trunk pain, feared it was the start of another cauda equina episode, which I had in 2004 after a giant L1-2 blowout. MRI was fine (well, not fine, it's the spine of a 90 year old woman :laugh:) but nothing new. Truly pissed off my wife when my reflexes tested ok, wasted the day. No sleep again last night, I finally realized it was the hip bursitis that I had last year, set off by too many trips in my wife's wretched Prius and it's seats from hell. Was about to hit the er again for a cortisone shot, then remembered it would probably spark some symptoms. For something not that serious, bursitis in the hip hurts like hell. Ice has helped, think I can sleep with an icebag tonight. Hip bursitis is apparently very common with people with lumbar issues. No gaba for me! :thumbsup:
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