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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Went cold turkey, not such a good idea


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Hi all,


I'm not sure my GP realized what a high dose of Clonazepam I was on (4mg) when I told him I wanted to stop taking it and needed a referral to a new psychiatrist because my current one was not listening to me. I told the GP it wasn't working to help me fall asleep, that I was awake for hours after taking it but was extremely sedated the next day. He gave me a prescription for zopiclone instead.

About two weeks after that appointment, I went back to the GP because I was having severe tremors and muscle pain to the point that I thought I had MS or something. He said it was probably one of the psychiatric medications I was taking. It didn't occur to me to remind him about discontinuing the Clonazepam.

So this week I figured that all this started when I discontinued the Clonazepam. I've taken one or two smaller doses when I had terrible muscle spasms but pretty much went right off them three weeks ago. Zopiclone, I've read can have similar actions, so it's probably not as bad as it could have been.

So what do I do now? Do I go back and ask to be put on a lower dose and taper? I'm still having symptoms of withdrawal but they're not as bad as they were or do I keep on with the zopiclone for insomnia (it seems to work better, although I'm sometimes waking in the middle of the night and not being able to get back to sleep). I'm a chronic insomniac.

I'm also taking 375mg of Effexor, 200mg Wellbutrin and 80 mg Zeldox. When I do get a referral to a new psychiatrist, reevaluating that load of drugs is job one.

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Hi MiraAB :hug: Welcome to Benzobuddies


Sorry you are having a rotten time of it cold turkey is not recommended with benzodiazepines, a slow taper is always the best way. How long were you on benzodiazepines?  There is a two week window for reinstatement, you have gone passed that.


The withdrawal symptoms are temporary but it takes a while for the cns to recover, it does get better with time.  We have a great caring community here, members will give you plenty of support.  Zopiclone is not a benzo but it will need to be tapered exactly the same as a benzo when the time comes.


I will put a link to the Ashton Manual, it is a definitive resource about these medications and how to withdraw. It also discusses the effects these types of medications have on the body.  It also has some info on Z drugs Professor Ashtons Manual


We do have a dedicated board for those people who have done a cold turkey or rapid withdrawal.  You can connect with others there who are in the same situation as you are: Cold Turkey Detox & Rapid Withdrawal Board


Here is a link to the Insomnia Board you might like to post a question here


Please feel free to ask questions, members can respond with the best information if they know your medication history so I will ask you to create a signature line listing your medication and dose.  Here are the directions to do that: Create a signature


Welcome aboard




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welcome  :) reinstatement is typically done when symptoms are debilitating or life threatening. Reinstating at this point in my opinion comes with risks. The first is "kindling" where each subsequent withdrawal can be more severe than the previous withdrawal. One can also go into a tolerance withdrawal where the dose once taken no longer works. I, too, stopped a very large dose of benzodiazepines cold turkey, so I know firsthand how horrific symptoms can be. It sounds like you are already starting to feel better. This a great sign. As unpleasant as your symptoms are they are only temporary. Things will get better.....time is the healer.
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Hi MiraAB,

You are so right, going cold turkey off a benzo isn't a good idea. But its unclear to me how long ago this happened. If its recent (less than a month, I would say-) you might want to reinstate and do a taper. I think this depends really on how bad you feel.

If I were in your shoes, I would definitely re-evaluate all the drugs you are taking. Zeldox (Geodon) has quite a few side effects. It is usually given for schizophrenia but "off label" for depression. The other meds are antidepressants, and they also have side effects. ALL of them may have a withdrawal syndrome, as well.

I, too, was on a high dose of Klonapin, 6 mgs, for 12 years, plus two antidepressants and a sleeping pill (Ambien). I got off the Klonapin cold turkey, and its lucky I am alive. The others, I tapered off rapidly. I  cannot advise anyone to go cold turkey, but whats done is done.

think you have to evaluate how you feel, and if you are improving at all, think about just staying off the Klonapin. If you feel really bad, and it was a recent cold turkey, then consider going back on and tapering properly. There really are no rules for all this, only guidelines. Prof Ashton has an entire section in The Manual about tapers, and we have a dedicated thread about it, too.

You will find lots of support and camaraderie here. This wonderful forum saved my life, and that is the truth.



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It's been not quite three weeks (three weeks Wednesday). I've been on the Clonazepam for about 18 months- my psychiatrist kept ramping up the dose even though I told him it didn't help me fall asleep but it made getting up and avoiding naps very difficult.


It is getting better. Last Saturday night I felt like I'd been through the spin cycle of the washing machine- muscle pain, spasms and thoroughly exhausted. 


I went back to the GP on Tuesday and told him about the muscle tremors. The Clonazepam wasn't at the front of my mind. I'd also recently discontinued Lyrica (diabetic neuropathy) and Celebrex (arthritis). He wanted to wait until I got a referral to the new psychiatrist before changing any more medication and I think it slipped his mind about the Clonazepam because I showed it to him along with the other psych meds but told him I didn't want to take it any more because it made me sleep all day. I'm not sure he noted what doseage I had been on or whether it occurred to him there'd be withdrawal symptoms. He's pretty good about most stuff but he was definitely more comfortable with referring me to a new psychiatrist than managing all the meds I'm on himself. I don't really blame him.


I think I'm going to be ok with the Clonazepam- the tremors have started to calm down. I had a really stiff jaw the other day, drinks taste metallic to me (hey, maybe now is the time to quit Diet Pepsi!) and I had a really weird shock sensation as I was falling asleep but other than that, things are feeling more normal than they have in a while. I just found a list of withdrawal symptoms the other day and was going tick! Tick! Tick! and counting my blessings I didn't have a seizure.

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Hi MiraAB,

            Welcome and thank you for posting. I agree with you reading what the withdrawals would be helped me. I have had all on the list except seizures.  I was scared to death that would happen coming off the Klonopin to fast.  I really appreaciate your positive attitude it gives me strenghth.

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  I take  0.5  twice a day,  but I don't feel good,  Most of the time I got symptoms,  specially chess pain,  sometimes I feel good except for the little chess pain. 


Did your symptoms include chess pain and  going to the ER??  please help me


I been told that Lorazepan (ativan) its only for panic attacks , and last few hours,    yesterday I went to ER  for heart beat elevation,  they rule My heart is OK,



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