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Puzzling question


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Ok. Some days even though I have symptoms I can handle going out like grocery shopping but it's puzzling. I sometimes can go in small places with lots of people and sometimes it causes me major symptoms and I have to get out of there. Sometimes I can go in big building like Lowe's and do just fine and other times I go running out. I really cannot figure out what the difference is. Anyone else??? It just makes no sense but really what does?  :idiot:
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It's not just you...its like a short circuit. I was just in Target earlier this week and I was fine. Went in today and could not wait to get out of there!


Very puzzling!

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I went to a farmers market today and couldn't make it through it. Then went to Lowes and did fine and I had previously had issues there. I just don't get it.
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I wait till late afternoon or evening to go anywhere because this is when my symptoms are lower.

When I venture out I just keep repeating to myself that it's ok if I can't make it through, it takes the the pressure off of myself.

Everything I do is a babystep and these baby steps  are winning the race back to reclaiming my life back.

This time last year I couldn't even go into a store, a few months later I could shop for just a couple of items and could not look at the cashier because I had to much fear in me. I always felt like I was acting and looking weird wherever I went.

At 14 months out I can now shop for whatever I want and don't feel so weird. I just wait till later in the day and don't put a lot of pressure on myself to be normal, because I am normal but the benzo lies tell me I'm not.

It will get better....time and more time.


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I get this also, I'll be fine and then standing in line I get super nervous want to go out of store and two minutes later I'm shopping again and laughing with my wife!! Most stores I'm ok and other times I'm on edge rushing my wife or mother out to hurry up. Their like what is your hurry, I just look at them and say I don't know lol.
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