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When did you get to relax again?


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I've been watching TV ever since I ct hallucinating in the early months from month one..but I've been able to watch TV easily and more comfortably since month 5..although was more restless moving side to side always adjusting. Now I'm almost to 9 and its so much better in general.. I'm watching TV comfortably right now,have been all day!
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Hey Luig,


I bet it's still difficult just because of reinstatement at end of July??? I think by 3rd month you should feel pretty settled. Remember our idea ??? Just get to Oct 15th !!!!! Short goals !!!!

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Took me about a year, but I have been a slow, slow healer. I don't care for much TV anyway - too violent. But I can watch some things. For me, a turning point was being able to read books again. I have always found reading relaxing, but while on benzos, I couldn't remember anything Id read....so why bother?! Now, its pleasant and my memory is fine.

Are you able to relax doing ANYthing? Or are you still too constantly upset, anxious, etc.?

Please remember that we are all a little different in how fast we heal.....comparing is pointless.



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I can relax somewhat while I'm on my laptop, but I think that's just because it distracts me. If I try to watch TV, my mind just goes on in the background thinking about this whole process and it ruins it for me.
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That makes total sense. If your on the computer, your mind AND body are busy. Watching TV is a passive experience...you just sit there, watch and listen. Your mind can start to wander, unless the show is VERY good. But this will eventually get better, Luigithepug. You know...time is the only healer for us.



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About a year for me to be better enough to be normal everyday.  I had a very consistent pattern of feeling OK one day (able to relax enough to watch TV but definitely not my normal self).  The next day would be total disaster and not able to focus on even watching TV.  This got better after 12 months and now I can relax enough to enjoy life - still healing.
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I guess that depends on how you define "relax". I have been able to watch tv through this whole ordeal. It is one of the things that got me through this. I never had the pacing the halls extreme akathisia that many people have but there is no doubt that my nervous system has been keyed up to some degree the entire time.
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I've never had a symptom like that. For me sensitivity to light, especially rapid change in lights, has been a problem when watching tv. Now I'm sensitive to sounds more and more, I can't figure out if I should try not to watch anything at all and let my senses rest, or is that nonsense. I'd like to watch videos, it's a good distraction.


Is it the restlessness or why can't you watch tv?

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I've never had a symptom like that. For me sensitivity to light, especially rapid change in lights, has been a problem when watching tv. Now I'm sensitive to sounds more and more, I can't figure out if I should try not to watch anything at all and let my senses rest, or is that nonsense. I'd like to watch videos, it's a good distraction.


Is it the restlessness or why can't you watch tv?


My mind wanders bc of anxiety and it ruins it for me.

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