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Question about scales


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Does a .001 gram scale have a small enough unit of measure to weigh portions of a 1 mg clonazepam tablet? Does anybody know the (approx) weight of 1 mg of clonazepam? I'm thinking I want to buy a scale to measure .16 mg, .125 mg, even smaller -

and am not sure what kind of scale to be looking for. I watched a you tube video suggested here of a guy measuring and shaving 10 mg of valium with a .001 gram scale, but that doesn't tell me much about clonazepam.


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I think a 1mg K pill is approximately .17g, so if you have a .001g scale it can measure that pill to the nearest .006mg.  This is equivalent to .12mg V which isn't that great.  And I would caution that most of these scales are not actually accurate to the advertised .001g.  You would double your accuracy with a .5mg pill.  IMO the way to deal with K is to liquify it.  Then you can be as accurate as needed.
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