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Slowly, ever so slowly!


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So, I have some good news. :) Tomorrow is 6 weeks for me (Yay!). And, while overall, there are things that definitely need improvement...I have noticed a lot of beneficial things as well to prove that my healing is coming faster.


- My emotions are returning ever so slowly. My partner has noticed that my sassy attitude has come back at times. The depression and emotional numbness return occasionally.

- Physically, I am starting to feel great with my only lingering symptoms being internal vibrations, some crawly skin, lack of appetite, and occasionally shortness of breath. However, these are all slowly becoming a thing of the past.

- Mentally, is where things are starting to peak. Ive really only had two episodes of paranoia and fear since last Saturday. So, they are infrequent which is great. Slowly I am becoming interested in things that I used to be.


I am not pushing myself to do anymore than I believe I can handle, so this helps me measure my progress tremendously.

I would mark myself at about 75% healed. 90%, for me, would be 100% functional at home. Once the agoraphobia lifts and I have returned to work and life I will consider it 100%. Still, this is much better than where I was at before. If I end up healed in the short-term, I plan to write a success story and want to remain here as a positive voice for those that took short-term doses and expect 2+ years of recovery. I may be eating my words in a month from now, but I have had great windows and I have had terrible days. But, for better or worse, I will get there. :)

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:clap: :clap: :clap:  YAY ORIONBASH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


SO  good to hear good news from someone!!! I hope it lasts for you. But even if it doesn't, its a sure sign you are healing well now.



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This is very good news Orion.  I hope you feel a little better everyday.


Molly :smitten:


Thanks :) Me too!! I have lots of stuff I wanna do now that I know what being confined to my house feels like.

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