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This is bs.


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I'm raging today. How the hell did this happen. I barely took any for two months and then hot dependent again. My life has been ruined by this. I've lost years of hard work to this crap. I see no hope I'm going to ever heal and bd med free. This is bullshit.
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satch, it sounds like you're in a new stage of healing.....ANGER! And that is a good thing...you need to get it out. Theres an old saying that "depression is anger turned inwards." So, by expressing your anger, you are keeping your depression at bay.

But I DO think you will heal. I don't know any reason why you would be different from anyone else...you will heal. I hope you aren't as slow at healing as I was, but even I healed!

Please hang in there, and keep letting the rage out. We will listen.



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It is bullshit. The whole thing is bullshit. I got into this mess by taking a seemingly harmless OTC amino acid supplement to try to quit smoking and now I'm right there in hell with you. Life isn't fair. That's just the bottom line. Little kids get cancer. People die in car accidents. Hard working, honest people get degenerative diseases, lose their limbs, and some of them die. We were dealt a really shitty hand, but the good news is we will recover. Our situation is temporary. We don't know how long it will take, but it will happen. We will have our lives back eventually. Just keep venting and keep hanging on.
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Well said, Luigithepug. Yes, the difference is that our condition is temporary. That doesn't make it easier to deal with when its bad, but it can be a comforting thought. The thing that makes us different (IMO) is that our condition is not recognized by the medical community. You don't turn on your TV set and see commercials asking for donations for benzo people, do you? You don't see doctors telling the public about this. I wonder if there's ever been a talk show about it, even. You'd think there would have been, but.....

Satch, hang on. Please believe us when we say that things will get better.



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