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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Severely sick but can't prove it


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Hi All,


Does anyone know why it is that we can be so severely ill from w/d severe physical exhaustion/weakness/fatigue, headaches, neck pain, back pain, difficulty breathing, difficulty standing/walking and on and on and on yet no medical test will prove we are so severely sick?  My family dr. keeps telling me she can only go by the data she has and according to the data she has (so far) from the extensive medical tests, bloodwork, etc that I have had done, the data show that I am in fairly good health......yes, that is a good thing.....but how can I be in fairly good health and so sick at the same that I can only move about less than an hour a day?  What does these demon benzos do to us?  and why can't the severity of our sickness be measured by today's medical technology?  and how will we ever know if we have permanent damage or if it may take up to ten years or more before we get better...if we get better.




Brunette  :smitten:

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Since benzo w/d has a lot to do with GABA receptors, will there ever be a routine test clearly indicating that GABA receptors have been down-regulated to a high degree compared to non-benzo users? That might finally prompt more investigation and understanding of how the CNS is controlled by benzos and how many symptoms result from that and how long it takes for the receptors to begin functioning on their own again. Right now there seems to be nothing of the sort.
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Am I the only one that thinks this is f**ked-up?  Drs. prescribe medication that makes us a million times sicker and they have no way of reversing it and there are no warnings telling us this might happen.  If I had been warned, I, for one, would have never taken it, but like an idiot, I was naïve enough to trust the dr. who prescribed it.  What is the point of even going to a dr. anymore if you have to check-up behind them and do your own research anyway?  ugh !!!!!!!  :tickedoff: :tickedoff: :tickedoff:
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Hi All,


Does anyone know why it is that we can be so severely ill from w/d severe physical exhaustion/weakness/fatigue, headaches, neck pain, back pain, difficulty breathing, difficulty standing/walking and on and on and on yet no medical test will prove we are so severely sick?  My family dr. keeps telling me she can only go by the data she has and according to the data she has (so far) from the extensive medical tests, bloodwork, etc that I have had done, the data show that I am in fairly good health......yes, that is a good thing.....but how can I be in fairly good health and so sick at the same that I can only move about less than an hour a day?  What does these demon benzos do to us?  and why can't the severity of our sickness be measured by today's medical technology?  and how will we ever know if we have permanent damage or if it may take up to ten years or more before we get better...if we get better.




Brunette  :smitten:




I feel the absolute same way. It is incomprehensible that sx could be so severe, and we feel so ill, but basically nothing can be found on the lab work and medical tests.  :o



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I have told my doctor about this forum and have even brought in "Captures" of blurbs written by others of proof of my wd symptoms despite no medical evidence. I am lucky that my dr is receptive to this and empathetic in nature. I am even more lucky that he encouraged me to get off this poison!
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I have read where the benzos switch off our immune system ...leaving us open to many issues. I was in tolerance withdrawel and I was so sick... I had a lot of different tests done and nothing showed up. Leading to a fibromyalgia diagnoses. No one picked up that it was tolerance withdrawel.

  It is very frustrating I know. Hopefully ....one day... It will be recognised..

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it's an unbelievable phenomenon! i think the only thing that kind gauge how well or how sick we are is some kind of sensitive energy device. i've always wondered what the aura of a benzo withdrawal patient looks like?
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