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Anyone here who has had their food/supplement sensitivities go away?


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I'm interesting in hearing from people who are no longer sensitive to foods (e.g. Chinese food) and supplements who were actually extremely sensitive at one point.


There's been other threads on the issue with people responding with things like "At one year out, I can drink alcohol, coffee, eat whatever I want, and I feel great" but, when pressed, you end up finding out that they were never sensitive in the first place so their response is pretty much irrelevant.


Anyone here who can confidently say that they had massive food/supplement sensitivity issues that actually went away?

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My food sensitivities come and go but the supplements I don't even mess with anymore cause they cause me such grief. Alcohol would really be nice but I think it's out of the question for me permanently. I'm just happy the food thing is only 50% of the time cause you can't stop eating right? 
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I am almost 3 mos out and food sensitivies have only increased but it's all "positive" stuff.  Sugar, alcohol, Chinese, chocolate, etc. I have also noticed that I can prolong a window by another day if I eat a lot of greens. I am embracing these food sensitiviities as an opportunity to eat healthy though I would like to have a beer once in a while. Maybe next year.  What is it about Chinese food anyway? I used to brush off comments about Chinese food until I experienced it myself. Wasn't MSG banned by the FDA a long time ago?
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I am almost 3 mos out and food sensitivies have only increased but it's all "positive" stuff.  Sugar, alcohol, Chinese, chocolate, etc. I have also noticed that I can prolong a window by another day if I eat a lot of greens. I am embracing these food sensitiviities as an opportunity to eat healthy though I would like to have a beer once in a while. Maybe next year.  What is it about Chinese food anyway? I used to brush off comments about Chinese food until I experienced it myself. Wasn't MSG banned by the FDA a long time ago?


Nope, unfortunately it's in more things nowadays. They even hide it under names like "Hydrogenated Soybean Oil". Lots of hidden MSG names in food.

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I used to eat cheap Chinese food all the time. I love Panda Express and other local joints for cheap Americanized Chinese food.


I don't freakin' understand how my body could change so drastically in such a short period of time.

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I'm interesting in hearing from people who are no longer sensitive to foods (e.g. Chinese food) and supplements who were actually extremely sensitive at one point.


There's been other threads on the issue with people responding with things like "At one year out, I can drink alcohol, coffee, eat whatever I want, and I feel great" but, when pressed, you end up finding out that they were never sensitive in the first place so their response is pretty much irrelevant.


Anyone here who can confidently say that they had massive food/supplement sensitivity issues that actually went away?


Hi, i can.

after my detox i lived on air and water for around 4 weeks, slowly started eating again,

extreme sensitivity to everything you can imagine.

Big turning point at 9 months off, back to normal except for chinese food and alcohol

at 12 months off.


able to eat my first chinese and curry at 18 months off.

no more sensitivity , but too scared to have a drink, this has to wait till i am recovered.

we are all different, i hope you will get back to normal soon. :)


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I don't have a problem with Chinese food ever for some reason but if I eat cookies or donuts, watch out! Sometimes eating anything messes me up when I'm in a bad wave. Dairy and grains do me in as well but especially in a wave.
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I'm in the same boat as you and would really like someone to answer.  I have had horrible sensitivities. I would like to know that I don't have to panic forever with every morsel of food I put in my mouth.
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