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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Jerky movements


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Has anyone ever had jerky movements. I start moving on a direction and I can't move smoothly. It fees like a jerk but no-one sees it. A bit different from my usual jerks.



Love Buddy.

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Yes Buddy, I am 7 months free. This lessened a lot for me. But once and awhile it still hits me out of the blue....  I never thought I would say this but I have come to welcome all of my physical symptoms. For me I almost cherish them because through out this journey. The fear and pure panic and anxiety have been the worst of it.  Which I never had before. It's what scares me the most. So having these physical symptoms come and go is a nice reminder almost a life line for me. Reminding me it's just all withdrawls and it to shall pass......
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