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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Another day of little hope.


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Just another day waking to the destruction of my life. I can't see how this is ever going to get better. Even when I get a little break is tainted with loss and the fact I'm still on other scary meds. Just fear I'm in for years of suffering. Don't see any favorable outcomes from this.
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Satch, I want to see if I can help you put something into perspective.


You cold turkeyed benzos.  This equates to significant symptoms.  But you will heal.  You're going to be ok.


You have the option when the time comes to take a smarter route off of your seroquel and remeron.


You have the option to taper rather than put yourself through another abrupt withdrawal.  By tapering this probably won't be anything like what you're experiencing now with the Benzo ct. 


Satch, if I were in your shoes, I would try to stop stressing over the other medications.  You're still recovering from benzo withdrawal and most likely when you do tackle the other medications, you will wait until you feel recovered from the benzo ct and then the taper hopefully won't seem so daunting.


If I'd thought I needed to taper another med right after I finished my Xanax taper, this might have sent me to a dark place too.  Because my taper, although manageable was still rough.  I know I would have needed a break. 


I would take the time to feel better and recover from the benzo ct and when I felt strong enough, (and I believe you'll gain that strength), I'd then tackle the other meds one by one.  I believe if you take your tapers slow and gentle, you won't find them nearly as difficult as what you are experiencing now.  In fact, you might not have a problem coming off at all.


You'll get your life back Satch, please hang on.  :mybuddy:

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im scared too. its like i go backwards. hang in there. i will, too.


Over 3 years off and still in hell????


Unbelievable. I don't even want to believe it.



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I've been on every drug you're on and others.  The benzos were by far the worst withdrawal.  Just getting better now after 12 months.  Never had a problem tapering the other meds.  I think you're dealing with the benzo lie right now.  That doesn't mean it will be the same with the other tapers in the future.


I haven't seen Gabapentin Buddies or Remeron Buddies or Seroquel Buddies.  Yes, you will have to taper those but they're not going to be nearly as bad.  You will heal.

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Satch, we all make mistakes. (Some of us make HUGE mistakes...like me!) What counts is what we do once we know we've made one.

I don't see any point in worrying that your other tapers will be bad - heck, you're surviving benzo withdrawal, and that is the absolute worst withdrawal there is. The others will be a piece of cake for you.



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I have to remind myself that if I would have known what I know now I would have never done this to myself.  I was scared to death before I found this site.  I thought my withdrawal would be like getting off the nicotine (I smoke 2 packs day for years) that was rough but it was over in a couple of weeks and got better each day I knew what to expect.  I thought this would be like that.  Boy was I wrong.  I am still on the prozac but will worry about that later right now I am trying to get through my withdrawal off Klonopin (Clonazepam).  I have had a pretty bad week. The first 5 days cold turkey before I found this site I had know idea.  My doctor wanted to keep me on this drug long term and told me it was not addicting and the low dose I was on I would have no withdrawals.  I will tell you she was full of it.  I fired that doctor and decided to wean myself off.  I had read some things about this drug before I found this site enough to know I wanted off of it.  But I had no clue the suffering I would go through.  I have some hours where I think wow maybe I am over this and feel almost normal again then wham another withdrawal symtom and a worse day then ever.  Thanks to all the people who have posted on here I know that what I am going through is normal.  It will take time my brain needs to heal.  One day at a time we have to have hope that we can and will recover. 
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Thanks lol. When were you on the seroquel and how did you taper it. Thanks.


I think I have tried every pharmaceutical known to man in order to help with sleep both during benzo withdrawal and while I was taking benzos.  Nothing worked.  Each time I tried something new a doctor/psychiatrist would come up with something I never heard of to try.  I would take each medication for awhile then determine it didn't help at all then stopped taking it.  Gabapentin and A/D's are the only meds I tapered.  So, for Seroquel I was on it a couple times - first over a year ago before I quit benzos.  Then during the past year after I c/t benzos.  I can't recall how long I was on it each time - I just know I stopped taking it after maybe a few weeks of trying it.  Possibly the c/t of Seroquel and other meds made my benzo withdrawal longer & worse, but how do I know?  It was a living hell no matter how you slice it.


I'm not advising you to quit the other meds.  I think you have a good plan - get through the worst of the benzo withdrawal then focus on the other meds.


I was where you are.  If you are able to rely on family and take it easy for now (like I saw you mention in another post) maybe I would consider it.  I had to learn to not to talk about how terrible my life was.  I just had to accept and wait it out.


Things are so much better for me now.  I'm not completely out of the woods but I can see the light at the clearing!  And this took about 12 months.


Hang in there.

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Stoch as said it very well. We cannot change whats happening, we cant fight it, so we just have to accept it and carry on as best as we can. NOT easy, but is doable with some effort and coping skills.



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Just another day waking to the destruction of my life. I can't see how this is ever going to get better. Even when I get a little break is tainted with loss and the fact I'm still on other scary meds. Just fear I'm in for years of suffering. Don't see any favorable outcomes from this.


Satch, I am sorry that you are still feeling so badly. One thing I have found in life is that one can't expect change if they continue to do the same thing over and over. Being at home depressed and hopeless day after day is bringing you the same results.....more depression and more hopelessness. You need to live in today. My tag line under my avatar says " today is the today that you worried about yesterday", and that is just what you are doing. You already envision years of suffering ahead of you ( the tomorrow that you worry about today"). There are so many success stories here. Try to envision a healthy future satch, because some day you will have one. I urge you to find a therapist. I think one on one advice as well as learning "coping" skills is what you need. We all care about you satch..............


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Hello Satch


I am so distraught for you. Do you live apart or with your family?


Your life is not over


We focus on jobs, money, achievement, success. That is ok but life is much more than that. Real life is inside us.

You have lost everything right now. The material stuff does not matter at this point in time.


You matter


You are fighting to survive


You need to be safe


The rest can wait


Keep posting, please




LF  :smitten:




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Satch  your family is probably exhausted with trying to help. I think if you call your doctor tomorrow and begin to be proactive in your withdrawal that you will once again be welcome at their home.
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