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Klonopin - Diazepam Equivalency


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Spoke to a compounding paharmacist. While many people believe that diazepam has a longer half-life than clonazepam they are only partially correct.


Diazapam has a longer half-life only because it is more lipid soluble. In other words, the diazepam stays in your fat tissue longer than clonazepam but the pharmokinetic effects are not as long as clonazepam. Clonazepam is really the longest half-life benzodiazapine. The pharmokenetic effects of clonazepam are longer than the diazepam. Diazepam stays in your fat fat tissue long after the pharmokenetic effects have disappeared.



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I moved this thread from the taper boards to Chewing the Fat because you are discussing a theory you have about the half lives of two benzos and why you believe what you do.



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I can believe this is true in the textbook sense, but it's complicated. I was unable to withdraw directly from KPin, or tolerate ~10% cuts below about 1.5mg. I was able to cross over to diazepam at Ashton equivalence and taper from there. So, Ashton's equivalency worked for me.
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Ditto to Xeres reply ... I switched at 2 mg K to 20 mg V ... worked just fine ...


That's interesting, NovaScotia, because you followed a 1:10 ratio of K to V and were successful. Xerxes followed the Ashton protocol equivalence of 1:20 and was also successful.


It kind of validates all the reading I have been doing lately, agonising over the different equivalence charts. They don't seem to be able to pin down an exact ratio. It appears that you sort of have to 'suck it and see' when changing to see where you fit on the spectrum.


Xana  :)

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I'm having difficulties crossing over from clonopin to valium. I believe I may have under dosed and am experiencing withdrawals throughout the day. I'm used to taking 4mg daily, 2mg twice a day. I'm currently dosing 2mg in the morning and 0.5mg clonopin and 10mg valium. I made a miscalculation going off of schedule 6, I should be doing 20mg valium instead of 10. I'm reluctant to increase the dose. I've been on this routine since last wednesday. I'm having trouble thinking clearly. I'm buying my pills on the streets till I can find a doctor that will give me the valiums. my supply of clonopin is running low. I have enough of the 2mg pills for a few daus but i need the 1mg and 0.5mg ones and they are hard to find. I need some good advice from someone that's thinking more clearly than me. Will these withdrawals even out eventually? And when they do is that then the right time to reduce the dosage again? Am I at risk for any serious side effects?
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