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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Dark Circles and slightly yellowish hue around skin near eyes?


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Hey BB's here's an issue I want to ask you all about.


I just noticed I've got a mild yellowish tint around the skin of my eyes. Not on my eyes. Not in the eyes. Not on the whites of the eyes. But on the skin part. Like where your eye glasses would rest, the skin on your face. Sort of like that.


It's not really full on yellow. More like the look when you bump into something and get a bruise.And it has that yellowish brown look at first before it turns black and blue. It's that kind of look on my skin, around the eyes.


Has anybody had this? Or have you heard of this being caused by Benzo WD?


I look online and they say it's the liver and I hope it's not that.And it doesn't look like any of the photos.


My eyes also ache and are sore too. I haven't slept longer then 4-5 hours in 8 months !!


Maybe that's why I've got these dark circles and yellowish/brownish tint around the skin...


I also should add that I have dark circles around my eyes anyway and my eyes feel tired and sore, like a allergy kind of. But I've just noticed this slight yellow/brownish tint lately mixed in with the dark circles. Like raccoon eyes. But not that bad. I hope the eye thing is just from lack of sleep. So, maybe that's it...but still it's another thing to stress over.


Any thoughts?



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Hi JACD, try not to stress over it, get it checked by your doctor for peace of mind and to be on safe side.  My skin turned a dirty grey, the skin around eyes very dark like I hadn't slept for months, which wasn't far wrong.


If you use the search feature, you might find some mention of yellow tinted skin, but I haven’t seen yellow skin on any of the symptom lists… That doesn't mean its not withdrawal but if it was me I would get it checked :thumbsup:




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Thanks Magrita,


Well, I'd love ti get it checked.


But I'm a nervous wreck who is scared to leave the house.


Thank you Xanax Withdrawal.


Sorry JACD :hug:, I didn't realise you were housebound like I was, I had agoraphobia, social phobia, I was terrified opening my front door so I do know what your going through.



I can only find this very short thread


Yellow Skin


I do hope you get sorted, withdrawal is bad enough without extra worries. I am sure its nothing to worry about, but I would try to get checked somehow


Take care





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Thank You Margrita for that info!


Yes, this helped.


I talked to my doctor today he said so long as the whites of my eyes are not 'yellow' that I'm ok.He said I can do a blood test but, I'm probably OK. It's probably not the liver and Jaundice! Nothing has changed except I take my little crumb of Xanax everyday.

My eyes look exactly how the other buddies described. My mother looked and didn't see yellow. Just a slight tan/bruising look AROUND the eyes. Not IN the eyes.


I do have this weird cold 'chill' vibe down my back. Did you ever get that one? The 'chills"


And you were Agoraphobic too? How did you get out of it?


Thanks Margrita!


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Hi JACD, I don't have yellow tinge around the eyes but I do suffer from Agoraphobia also and due to this I messed up my taper. I had to go to a couple of Doctors for test and the only way I could get there was to up dose. I also get the chills, but I get them through out my whole body.


When I up dosed I almost felt like my old self, that's why I know that my many sx's are being caused by the K. No more up dosing though, I am going in one direction only and that is down!


Try not to stress out over the eye problem, it's probably from lack of sleep. Oh yes, when my son was born he had Jaundice and he had a yellow tint all over his body.



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Thank You Margrita for that info!


Yes, this helped.


I talked to my doctor today he said so long as the whites of my eyes are not 'yellow' that I'm ok.He said I can do a blood test but, I'm probably OK. It's probably not the liver and Jaundice! Nothing has changed except I take my little crumb of Xanax everyday.

My eyes look exactly how the other buddies described. My mother looked and didn't see yellow. Just a slight tan/bruising look AROUND the eyes. Not IN the eyes.


I do have this weird cold 'chill' vibe down my back. Did you ever get that one? The 'chills"


And you were Agoraphobic too? How did you get out of it?


Thanks Margrita!




I am so glad you talked with the doctor , I got the doctor out even tho I was 99% sure it was w/d.  At least you know its probably withdrawal, benzos leave no stone unturned.  Yes I got the chills vibes too that's  quite a common symptom, we get some bazaar symptoms with benzos.


It took a while for me to get out again, I was some months benzo free before "the want" to try came back. I had been so beaten by these drugs I didn't want to do anything. The anxiety and fear got less intense and eventually I got a bit of strength back.


I had been housebound for a few years so I started very slow. Continually opening my front door and closing it. Then maybe few days later sitting on the step...then walk around the garden... after a few days  I made it to the gate.....then the end of the avenue. It took some weeks before I made it to the local shop and another week I was able to go in and buy something, It probably took a few months altogether


It took a while longer for me to get in my car and drive, now I don't even think twice about it. This is an awful journey but you will be stronger when you get through it! and you will appreciate life so much more


Hang in there, your going to be ok. It does get better :thumbsup:




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Hi Margrita


I like what you said about beating the Agoraphobia.


I have some days when I can walk a bit then others when I can't , I get so nervous. I still haven't driven a car or even been in one in 8 months! Sucks. I'm just a ball of nervous energy lately.


I hope when I'm off this Xanax ( I just started a new cut 2 days ago) I'm now at only .0312 per day. Just once. That's it.


But I'm still sick and jittery and agoraphobic.


Did you take any amino acids or supplements to help you with your exposure?


Did you have a drink?


I know you said you did it in stages, that's what I'm going to do, but sometimes I feel I just need something for that first little push, you know. Just to get me started....but I haven't touched anything else yet. I just want OFF the Xanax first.


In the 'old days' I would have taken a Xanax and gotten in the car and been fine.


But I guess not anymore! I don't even want any Xanax, but I may need something at first just to begin the process of exposuse.


Just to 'get out there".


Any Thoughts?


Thanks Margrita!

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