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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

i jumped and am belatedly drowning.


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I jumped 3 months ago...had very slight symptoms for a month. The next two months ...life is not worth living...everyday a torture.  It should have been Terrible and getting Better  Instead it was Better and now Terrible. Not asking for sympathy just curious if this has happened to anyone else.
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Yes. I'm like that. Come and join us on the jumping Buddies group...in the support section. It's a great thread. Very supportive. I'm at 2.5 months off.


Love Buddy

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I'm in. 1 month out...teethache, sinus ache, shooting pains in limbs , some numbness, brain zaps..all slight...now all of them increased in intensity PLUS severe dizziness...on walker tp get around... and 24 hr. shifts of body sweats and chills switching every half hour...and of course...insomnia. Me depressed? nah.,.enraged is more like it.  I know...that doesn't help.



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Yes, I thought I was through the worst of it. A stressful thing happened this past July and wham. Never knowing from one day to the next is one of the worst things about this.
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Add me to the list, first month off was tolerable...  6 weeks out I started having nocturnal panic attacks every few nights... not fun.  Short-term user as well. 


37 years of being very fit, healthy, and excelling at work and now I can't do much at all. 


That being said... I'm going to kick a$$ again soon, d*mn it!  There's no way a little tiny pill is going to take my life from me!

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