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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

The CT Benzo Diet!


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Do you want to lose weight? Have you tried everything else to no avail? Then try the Benzo Diet! I know I did, and Im happy to say that I have lost almost 50lbs in two months!


Seriously, though, I have. lol! To be fair, I was a big guy to begin with (280lbs) and now sitting at 230lbs. Mostly because of eating right and the few stages of benzo flu I had before I realized it was the benzos causing my dilemma. By the time I return to my life slash work I will be a toothpick :o

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Yep, I lost 8 over the past 7 weeks.  I cut out sugar, bread carbs and upped my protein.  Increased my water, ate crackers and drank ginger tea for my benzo belly ailments.  I just started walking on the treadmill when some of the uglies allowed me to, trying to get the good grey matter heading in the right direction.  I've felt so bad I'll do whatever it takes to make myself feel better just for a little while.  Congrats on your progress.  :thumbsup:
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For some reason I craved Taco Bell the first 2 months after my c/t, all I ate everyday was 3 tacos (hadn't found BB yet).  My mouth felt completely numb and like it was oozing thick crap out of my taste buds and the tacos were the only thing that tasted ok.  The first 3 weeks I was afraid to even look in my mouth because I thought it was somehow a mangled mess inside it.  I loss 35 lbs total over 6 months but have gained back 15.


Molly :smitten:

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I quit drinking because of the benzos, wasnt drinking all that much but it has certainly helped. I quit drinking more than a year ago and only drank on occasion before I finally gave it up 4 months ago. I have lost 25lbs since i initially stopped. I dont attribute all of the weightloss to alcohol but it is probably a big factor. Used to weigh nearly 225 if i remember right now ive stayed constant at 194 for the past 2 months
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Yes! Lose the weight, lose your mind...all in one neat package! You will also lose your looks temporarily! And, if you ever wondered what being dead is like,or being insane, this is the diet plan for you!


The Benzo Diet: Truly a Miracle.......try it today!!


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Yes! Lose the weight, lose your mind...all in one neat package! You will also lose your looks temporarily! And, if you ever wondered what being dead is like,or being insane, this is the diet plan for you!


The Benzo Diet: Truly a Miracle.......try it today!!


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I was discussing this with my partner and he said there is probably someone out there that would actually try this. Lol! It scares me, but it's probably true!!


i need to gain weight! started at 163 and now at 143---there's your toot pick! forcing food down to remain alive now


Gimme a few more months and I will be right there with ya!

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Here's the catch for me - in all truth, this IS how I lost weight....being on a benzo. I had a gastric bypass in 2003 (I was quite obese) and lost a lot of weight because of that. But, being on a benzo, I would simply forget to eat, and dint care, and couldn't really SEE myself....my weight went down to 89 lbs at the time of my cold turkey. The surgery made my stomach tiny, but the benzo made me lose too much weight. I am normal weight now, thank God. Its really sad that I didn't see what was happening, nor did any of my doctors. I did not make the connection between my weight loss and my Klonapin. Now I do!

Yes - I am sure there are desperate people out there who would do ANYTHING to lose weight......!!!!

But this little joke is just between BB people, so it wont hurt anyone.

I'm still imagining the TV infomercials, though.



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I picture this middle-aged woman looking at herstomach and panicking. Then a psychiatrist coming in and saying he has just the weight loss pill for her. He warns her it could be addictive. She doesn't listen because she's fascinated. She takes it. One year later, she has her figure....but clearly looks like she's had a PTSD episode or two.
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Took me longer than a year, but I fit the description. My psychiatrist didn't tell me it would help me lose weight, though. I was under the impression it would help me sleep, which, unfortunately, it did. Quite well, actually, and did for many years. Oh well....................live and learn.


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Benzo withdrawal is good but don't underestimate the power of depakote for weight loss as well. At first it will make you gain weight but after a while it will rot out your insides making it almost impossible for you to eat. I lost 10 lbs in 5 days till I finally went to the ER and found out I had an inflamed liver and spleen!
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I read that low blood sugar made w/d feel worse so I gained 30 pounds on my taper. Yeah it helped however my butt looks like Kim Kardashian's now  :laugh:


Now when I diet I always get a wave when my blood sugar drops. 


Guess I have to live with it during healing  :(

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I read that low blood sugar made w/d feel worse so I gained 30 pounds on my taper. Yeah it helped however my butt looks like Kim Kardashian's now  :laugh:


Now when I diet I always get a wave when my blood sugar drops. 


Guess I have to live with it during healing  :(


Try low carb bird. Helps drops the pounds and keep blood sugar stable.

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I got pretty fat since my ct. The last 3 months I have lost 15 lbs and it's all in my legs, arms, butt and shoulders. I still have a huge belly and fat face. I feel like I look really stupid.
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Yep, I've lost 30 pounds since this started in March and my arms look like toothpicks. Distressing to say the least.


Same here 30 pounds. I was always skinny and being 7 feet tall as well, I look like someone straight out of a concentration camp. I do make a huge protein shake in the morning with 8 raw eggs so I am hoping that helps.

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Oh dear...225lbs from 280lbs. I am so happy I have a lot of weight to work off, because I would be effin scared to be 160lbs at the start of benzo withdrawal and see where I end up.


I cannot believe I am 5lbs away from SIXTY pounds lost! I look SO much different. Its not even a good different, because I look so mentally and physically exhausted in the mirror. lol And, I only have one pair of shorts and pyjamas that fit right as of now lol. Everything else just slides off.

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