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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

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I guess this is going to be a far longer ride than I anticipated. So, I have been able to follow the instructions to get to the introduction... A major success already...in my loopy, sleep deprived mind.


I did ct pretty much right after the breaking news story on Sept. 10, 2014....linking my sleep aid drug of 6? 10? Years to Alzheimer's !!!  That was all it took.  I didn't even know it was a Benzo, or in the family of Benzo drugs, or absolutely anything about this drug!!  I just took it every night to sleep...having no idea of what it was doing to me. 


So, I don't have any idea what motivatated people who have been withdrawing from these drugs to get off them.  It took a headline story to wake me up and start my wild research mind going and then I didn't, at all, like what I read!  A non-linear recovery?!  EGADS!  And the length of time to recover!  I didn't want to read any of it.


But. Over the weekend....after I had started into he cold turkey biz, I sent an email to my psychiatrist asking if he would phone in a Valium script so I could do the weaning...and then it was days before I sat down at my desktop.  For some reason, his email didn't come through to my iPad, and, I guess I had not had the strength to get to my desk.  But at this point...I do not know about number of days...they all blend in to each other...I am not about to introduce a Benzo into my system to begin a taper.  I am not suggesting cold turkey for anyone, and I guess I have been lucky not to have had a seizure.


But, these...bunch of days...have been wicked. And, because I used the darn things to fall asleep, I have learned all about Rebound Insomnia.


Anyway, I have read a lot on this greatly informative board, and since this is such a long process, I thought it would be better to join in, instead of just being a "guest.".  I am going to taper the Success Stories so I have something to give me hope at 3:30 AM.


I'd be interested to see if a huge amount of people decided to quit given that research study...I would have thought that Benzo recovery centers would be popping up all over e place because of a huge, sudden demand.


Thanks for having me...

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Hello Up2this :hug:


Welcome to benzobuddies


I can understand you being freaked out by the news report. It can be dangerous to stop these drugs abruptly. It has been 8 days, If you are suffering at the moment then you are within the two week window for reinstatement. If it was me, that’s what I would do.  If you chose to tough it out, withdrawal symptoms can take quite some time to settle down, they will go eventually.


The central nervous system has taken a knock and it will take a while to reset. The Ashton Manual is a very good resource for information about withdrawal.  It will give you information about the recovery process. I will put a link to it: : Professor Ashtons Manual


Please feel free to ask questions, we have many supportive and encouraging members here who will support you and give sound advice. Feel free to check out the forum and post to any of our dedicated threads.


You might want to post here: Cold Turkey Detox & Rapid Withdrawal Board


Here is a link to our Post withdrawal recovery support.


Here is a link to:  Success Stories

If you would be so kind as to add a signature (history of meds/doses etc) it will help members give you relevant advice this link will show you how to Create a signature


Welcome aboard It will get better




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Hi up2this,

unbelievable situation for all of us. >:(

However getting off cold turkey is the wrong way, you might end up in hell

like i did. a sensible taper has to be worked out, think about it.

how do Benzos affect the brain ? here is an explaination, quite interesting.



warm welcome and all the best,

Claudia. :)

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Hello Up2this,


I too would like to welcome you to the form  :)


I hadn't read an Alzheimer's article before I joined Benzobuddies with the view to tapering but I knew myself that all was not well because my memory had become so poor, I really thought I was suffering from a form of dementia. However, I'm pleased to tell you that I've been benzo free for 16 months now and my memory is much better and my mind feels so much sharper. If long term benzo use does contribute to memory problems it's not an irreversible situation, your memory will improve again once you begin to recover.


However I agree with the others with relation to your cold turkey situation, cold turkey can be a very rough way to withdraw and sometimes can result in a prolonged recovery period so if it was me I would reinstate with the view to carrying out a slow, careful taper. As Magrita has advised you, the window of reinstatement is 2 weeks, that is reinstatement is most successful if it is carried out within 2 weeks of the date that the last benzo was taken.


I'm glad you found us and I wish you the very best whatever you decide to do.



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