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For the men: prostate pain?


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This is something that slowly started creeping up on me during my most recent wave. It started off as discomfort, and now it's to the point where it's at the level of actual pain.


Is this something that other guys have dealt with as a result of withdrawal, or should I be looking at other explanations (e.g. prostatitis)?

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I sometimes get pain towards the end of urinating which doesn't make me want to pee much...but that is pretty rare. You should have your doctor check you out to be safe. Case in point...I was feeling dizzy all the time when I went cold turkey. This lasted for months and the dizziness kept getting worse. Everyone on this forum kept telling me it was a symptom of withdrawal. I finally went to my doctor and was rushed to the hospital for emergency heart surgery as I had sinoatrial arrhythmia (slow heart rate) which had nothing to do with withdrawal and everything to do with heart disease. If I kept thinking it was just withdrawal, I would be dead by now.  :sick:


Although everyone here has good wishes and encouragement to pass along, they are NOT medical doctors. Please have yourself checked out by a professional.

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