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I've had a cold/flu with fever entering the equation today.

I'm drinking ginger tea w/lemon honey also Tylenol for fever headache. Also taking straight mucinex expectorant with no other ingredient. 


Any suggestions on fever cough stuffiness safe aids?

Also if fever persist what are the safest antibiotics?


Thx jrod

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I tam sorry you are feeling crummy today. I am home sick as well today. If it was me I would stick with the tea and tylenol. You may want to try a warm bath. I know I just took one and feel a speck better. If you have a heating pad that may help you feel better. Antibiotics don't work on colds or the flu. I hope you are feeling better soon.  :smitten:
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Agree that antibiotics do nothing for a cold/flu.  They are way over-prescribed (kind of like benzos) which can lead to resistant bacterial strains.  Watch the color of your mucous.  As long as it stays clear-ish, there's probably no secondary infection going on, and no advantage/need for taking antibiotics.


I sometimes take NyQuil for nighttime symptom relief (and NyQuil usually give me good sleep).

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Thank you Bad & Ben. Good advice I'm on night 6 of this with not much improvement and no sleep do to coughing all night. Guaifenesin and Codeine syrup was prescribed but it has small amount of alcohol and scared that may ramp up symptoms. Also Z-pack Azithromycin was prescribed.

As far as mucus ,it's yellowish with at times light brownish.


Thx, jrod

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