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Woke up at 3:30 AM


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There must have been something in the air last night because I woke up around 4:00 AM and never fell back asleep. I was awake when my alarm went off. Really hoping for a better night of sleep tonight. There's only so many nights of insomnia I can take before I really start feeling awful. Hang in there, Jerry. You're not alone.
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Welcome to my world every day at 3am....jolted awake and in a state of severe panic and nausea till 11am. Most times I can't fall back asleep....the worst part is I usually am not asleep till midnight either. Sucks.  :'(



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Don't have the nausea but I can relate to how lousy you feel the following day.  I have gotten two to three hours the last couple of weeks and feel miserable. The anxiety and hopelessness are my big issues at the moment.  Just hoping for a better night.  This too shall pass.
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OK stupid question time...do you guys feel much worse afer a 3am wake up call?  I've felt like hell today,  exhausted on top of everything else...


Fun times  :thumbsup:

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Most of the time I feel really, really bad after getting woken up after 3 hours with severe panic attacks and not being able to go back to sleep.  What's weird, every now and then, I feel pretty good when 8 or 9 AM rolls around after only getting 1-3 hours of sleep. 


The lack of logic with all of this is astounding.

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Having been at this for 20 years now I find that how I feel after an early wakeup depends on the quality of sleep leading up.  If I dream for an hour or two I will be able to tolerate the following day much better.  On the other hand fitful light sleep means a miserable day ahead.  Not really a stupid question at all.  I think whether you get some REM sleep really makes a difference.
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