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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Early Morning Wakening


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I noticed that for the last month or so I have been waking up every morning at 6:00 ~ 6:30 and unable to get back to sleep.  Before, I would sleep until 8:00 or 9:00AM if I didn't have to get up.  Actually I noticed that this was happening before I started tapering, so I think that this is a side effect of relying on benzos for sleep - when the the drug starts to wear off, I wake up.  Has anyone else had a similar experience?


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This is a normal, almost universal experience during benzo withdrawal.  It's said to be due to an increase in morning cortisol levels...and many of us wake up earlier than that - for me it was 4am, every day for months.  It will get better!



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This is a normal, almost universal experience during benzo withdrawal.  It's said to be due to an increase in morning cortisol levels...and many of us wake up earlier than that - for me it was 4am, every day for months.  It will get better!




I wake up at 4 am on the dot. No matter when I go to bed. Luckily I am able to return to sleep. But it is rather annoying.  :smitten: Bets

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