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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

the time has to taper to an acceptable level


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Hello, the reason I joined this forum is because it is specifically for benzodiazepines and in my case thienodiazepine. I have been taking etizolam along with some klonopin and valium mixed in for the past 5 or 6 months. My current dose is around 6 or 7 etizolam a day and if I have access to klonopin or valium I will substitute a one of those for the etizolam. I have started my taper by myself I was up to 14 mg of etizolam a day. With all the US distributors of etizolam discontinuing carrying the product if I hadn't thought ahead and ordered as much as I could I could really be in a bad situation. Lastly the reason I joined this forum was to find a psychologist in my area who has benzodiazepines taper experience and a counselor to help me with my overall psychological problems.
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Hello 623breakz,


Welcome to Benzo Buddies!


It sounds like you have gotten yourself into a situation due to self medication with benzos, that's a slippery slope to be on.  I'm so glad you are looking to taper off and also looking for help with your issues so that you can avoid this in the future.


Your title indicated tapering down to an acceptable level. Frankly, I don't believe there is an acceptable level of benzos to take long term.  These medications are tricky and cause tolerance leading to higher and higher doses.  It seems like you are in that place now.  The best and most permanent solution is to implement a slow and careful taper and stay off benzos forever.


Do you have enough etizolam for a proper taper?


I would suggest you read the Ashton Manual and learn about how these drugs affect the human system and read the information about how to withdraw. 


Normally it is suggested to taper no more than 5-10% every 10-14 days.  This can help minimize withdrawal effects. I will also give you a link to the General Taper Plans for more information.


You can do this with our support and your determination to get off benzos.  Being benzo free and healed is an amazing feeling.


Please ask questions, we're here to help.


The Ashton Manual


General Taper Plans   



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Thanks for the reply and encouragement. You are completely right for me there is no acceptable level of any benzodiazepines for a long period of time. Unfortunately the etizolam market is basically non-existent in the US as of the beginning of this month. I don't have enough etizolam to do a proper taper but luckily I was able to get an appointment with a psychiatrist tomorrow. Over the phone they seemed pretty responsive to switching me to something with a much longer half life such as diazepam. Also to be prepared I will photocopy chapter 2 of the Ashton Manuel and have a taper chart ready for the Dr to review. Thank you for the link to the Ashton Manuel. Wish me luck benzodiazepine addiction is sneaky and insidious. I knew better than to get back involved with them. But I thought I could handle it. Turns out I can't.


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Hello again,


It sounds like you have a good plan in place, I'm so happy you have sought out a doctor to help with your taper. I also took copies of the appropriate pages of the Ashton Manual to my doctor and we formulated my taper based on that.


Of course I wish you luck but really what you need is a good dose of acceptance, determination,  courage and patience. You can do this!


pianogirl  :)

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