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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

First Time benzo user looking for taper advice


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Hello any and all who can help! I joined benzobuddies to rid my body of this substance and am hoping for some guidance. 


02/20/2014  was when I first Started taking Clonazepam. Prior to this I had just lost a very dear family member, moved to a new town and was going through a lot of stress.


I began drinking heavily for the first time in my life. I was scared when I tried to stop because of the withdrawals I was having.


I went and saw a local dr and he prescribed me Clonazepam 2mg 3 times a day.


At first it was a god send. Felt like I was doing the right thing. Wasn't drinking any longer, was kicking butt at work, even felt the urge to go out and be more social.


I had never taken any benzos before so did not know what I was getting myself into.

I am still on my regime of 2mg Clonazepam X 3 a day. I have terrible chest pains and anxiety all the time which triggers urges to take more. But now that I realize what I have created for myself I refuse to give in and take more.



Now Im reaching out for help. I want to taper off but just don't know where to start.

Its very very difficult to get through the days. Ive looked at the resource pages but math as really never been my thing, and i dunno but i just cant seem to understand these %'s


Any and all help would be greatly appreciate. If I could just know that I was actually on a good regime to taper off properly I know I could stick to it.


Thank you for your time In reading this,

Kindest Regards




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Hello humbo Jumbo :hug:  Welcome to BenzoBuddies!. 


I am sorry your having a tough time of it, it will get better. You will find a lot of information here, we are pleased you found us. We have a great community of caring members here. Our members have been through all aspects of benzodiazepine use and withdrawal, and will share their experiences with you. 


The best way  of  getting off benzodiazepines is to taper off slowly.  If you have used them for a couple of months or more then the suggested taper rate is 5/10% every 10/14 days. Its important to listen to your body when tapering, you can adjust the rate if need be.


You may want to familiarize yourself with the Ashton Manual. It is a great resource for information about these medications and how to withdraw. Here is a link to the manual: : Professor Ashtons Manual  .


For tapering advice General Taper Plans   


For support with any symptoms you may have post here: Withdrawal Support


If you would please be so kind as to add a signature (history of meds/doses etc) it will help members give you relevant advice.  This link will show you how to do this Create a signature


Welcome aboard






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Hi humbo Jumbo,

Alcohol withdrawl must be very hard and they use Benzos for short term medication,

because it helps. However if taken longer than for 2-3 weeks the CNS becomes

affected and the Alcohol problem has turned into a Benzo-problem.

No fun, i can imagine.

Time to get off this crap, a sensible taper plan will be the right way.

i would join the Klonopin club,



here is an explaination how Benzos affect the brain.



warm welcome from me too

and all the best,

Claudia. :smitten: :smitten:

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Goodness gracious!!  :angel:


Thank you so much magrita, & morreweg for your prompt replies.


I very much appreictae the time you took to reply to my post as well as the wealth of information you both provided!!


I am quite familiar with professor ashtons manual. I have looked at the charts and just can't seem to understand them!!


I have a generic 'aws-100' scale. one 2mg kolonopin scales out to 0.18 of a gram. What im attempting to wrap my head around, and please forgive me as my math as always been horrendous. Is to understand how I should be cutting my pills.


If a recommended taper schedule is around 5/10% every  10/14 days and 10% of 6mg is 600micrograms.....

&& thats sort of where my brain shuts off.



so every 10/14 days i would be 'tapering'

If I understand correctly


I would be lessening my dose giver or take by .6 of a mg?


So essentially start my taper by taking 5.5mg instead of 6? for the first 10/14 days? and from there go down another .5?


gosh my mind feels like mush.


if anyone can confirm that I am correct with this basic math it would be greatly appreciated.



thank you kindly for your time in reading this,

Best wishes

much love


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humbo jumbo,

i have no taper experience therefor can't answer your question.

just to let you know I am sure someone will come along and help you.


If you are in a hurry, i would suggest posting at the Taper section or

Klonopin club now. (links have been provided )


good luck and take care. :smitten:


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Clonazepam is nasty shit! I was on 6mg per day for 14 years! I developed anxiety, depression, paranoia, dry eyes, angry personality, etc. until I weaned off of it by following the Ashton Manual withdrawal tables by introducing diazepam (Valium). I've been clonazepam free for 18 months now! You can do it too, but take it slow and don't rush the process. I did it all in 21 days and wished I had done it over 6 months instead. 14
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