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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

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Last two weeks I've been getting so much worse.

I've been hanging out with two friends throughout my withdrawal, last three weeks I've totally isolated myself from them. It's just too much with the anxiety, feel like I'm just in the way.

My social phobia has really kicked in.

Throughout the day it's like I go in to different episodes, I just become unreachable. When I'm in this other state of mind I have high anxiety, I'm so annoyed, paranoid, confused etc.

Aldo whenever i move it feels like im not controlling my own body, everything is so uncomfortable. I've heard this could be DP, what if it's not.

Then I snap out of it for a while only to get back in to it later.

Also I've slept great during this whole process, now I'm lucky if I wake up after 8 am.


Shit, it really feels like some type of psychosis. So scared

Im out 110 days

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It's not psychosis. Look up YouTube videos of psychosis if you really want to see what psychosis is. It might scare you though. It scared me but at least I know I'm not psychotic now.
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