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Brain Shivers


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I can usually deal with most of my anxiety symptoms as I've gone through them so many times, but one that I find hard to shake is what I can best describe as a "brain shiver". I've read about the "brain zaps" that people experience when they're coming off of SSRI's and I don't know if this is the same thing but my mind just like jolts and feels like I've completely lost control and then the sensation reverberates down my body and through my stomach and often times leads into a small panic attack/bout of racing thoughts. Does this sound familiar to anybody? If so, what is it and how do you deal with it?



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There is an article on this by David M. B. Christmas, published in Psychiatric Bulletin. It's called 'Brain Shivers', available for free here http://pb.rcpsych.org/content/29/6/219.full

Shortly, he writes about the emergence of ‘brain shivers’ as a side-effect in the context of antidepressant side-effects and withdrawal. Maybe it can shed at least some light, shows that you aren't alone in this.

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