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Horrible reaction to bread?


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I was doing so well, sleeping 9 hours a night, and then I decided to reintroduce bread after not having it for months. I woke up at 3 am from a horrible nightmare, barely managed to go back to sleep, then woke up again at 6 am. I got about 6 hours. I guess it's gluten free from now on? Anyone else experience this?
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Could be that the extra carbs are causing blood sugar issues, which has been a Major factor for me during my recovery.if my blood sugar gets messed up my symptoms get worse (especially sleep)
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  • 2 weeks later...
I'm not an expert but it sounds like a blood sugar/insulin issue to me. My diet had been primarily grain free and gluten free since 2013 and recently when I re-introduced more carbs (like oatmeal and quinoa) I started to feel almost hypoglycemic. I'd be starving after a few hours and get lightheaded and anxious then as soon as I ate something I'd feel better.
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What kind of bread, Luigi? Ive been able to eat probiotic bread. But, I havent had a bad reaction to white bread either. I dunno. We all react differently, I guess. I know that Benzosrcruel was able to eat chinese food a lot in early recovery and thats chock full of MSG. So, I dunno. :(
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What kind of bread, Luigi? Ive been able to eat probiotic bread. But, I havent had a bad reaction to white bread either. I dunno. We all react differently, I guess. I know that Benzosrcruel was able to eat chinese food a lot in early recovery and thats chock full of MSG. So, I dunno. :(


Just regular old wonder bread. It's weird though because bring-it-on had the same exact experience as I did, complete with horrible nightmares and everything.

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Bread has gluten in it, so if you don't eat a lot of things that contain gluten and just suddenly ate bread again, it could do that to you.


Maybe you have a gluten intolerance? Cutting gluten out from your diet and then reintroducing it, as I said, will cause a lot of problems both physically and mentally.

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Bread has gluten in it, so if you don't eat a lot of things that contain gluten and just suddenly ate bread again, it could do that to you.


Maybe you have a gluten intolerance? Cutting gluten out from your diet and then reintroducing it, as I said, will cause a lot of problems both physically and mentally.


Yeah, I think that was my problem. I also had "chicken skin" on my legs after eating it, and that's a sign of gluten intolerance.

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Believe me, I considered that lol. But when I ate the bread,it actually made me feel relaxed at first. I thought wow maybe bread is a good thing. Never thought about it again until I woke up at 3 am in a mini panic because of a nightmare, something that hadn't happened in like 4 weeks. Maybe it was just a coincidence, who knows.
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If I'm in a wave I have to be careful of what I eat. Bread messes me up real good in a wave. It's really high in carbs in fact 100% on the glycemic index which is higher than table sugar.
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Yep Cool, I think thats the problem. Just watched a video on youtube where someone said bread set em off real bad in benzo w/d. Def gonna stay away for now.
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If I'm in a wave I have to be careful of what I eat. Bread messes me up real good in a wave. It's really high in carbs in fact 100% on the glycemic index which is higher than table sugar.


This is true. I looked it up and whole wheat bread has a glycemic index of 71, plain white bread is 73, and Coca Cola is 63. Bread can really mess with blood sugar/insulin levels.

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  • 1 month later...

Yeah, wheat bread is high glycemic so there's the blood sugar issue. What is also high in glutamic acid, an amino acid used to make both gaba and glutamate. There have been some scientific studies posted here that say when the numbers of our gaba receptors are lessened, the body preferentially manufactures more glutamate from the raw materials since there aren't enough gaba receptors to utilize the gaba. More glutamate equals more symptoms.


And then there is the fact that iodine used to be used as a dough conditioner. But that has been replaced in modern times by bromine. Look for it on the label. It might be called bromide or bromate and it might simply be labeled "dough conditioners".  Bromide blocks thyroid production, so there's that bugaboo to contend with also. I originally had to quit gluten for my thyroid issue.


Then there is information that gluten erodes the micro villa in the small intestines where much digestion and utilization of nutrients happens. I knew a woman who tested severely vitamin D deficient even though she lived in Arizona, sunned at her pool daily, played tennis in skimpy clothing, and jogged in tank tops and shorts. Her doctor put her on vitamin D drops and her levels STILL didn't come up. He told her to quit all gluten and finally a year later her levels were back to normal. Her doc told her the gluten had eroded her microvilli enough that her gut could not absorb and utilize the D. Who would know this?


I haven't read it, but I've been told the book "Wheat Belly" explains all this very well.  I didn't eat gluten at ALL when I was in deep withdrawal.  Now that I am doing better, I very occasionally eat sprouted grain bread as an open faced sandwich and so far I've not had discernable problems with it. But then, I think a lot of folks don't until damage has been done.

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Everything in moderation. Try to re introduce it to your body SLOWLY. Very very slowly. Little by little. I'm talking crumbs to an entire loaf.
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I also avoided gluten for a period before realising that it was only bread made with white flour and/or other additives that triggered my reaction. 

White flour is always "fortified", and as I cannot tolerate any supplements I cannot now tolerate any white floour.:


In the UK white flour is always fortified with the following:

calcium carbonate (chalk),


thiamin (vitamin B1) and

nicotinic acid or nicotinamide


Plus I cannot tolerate citric acid or any other "flour improvers" in bread made with wholemeal flour, but I can eat bread made with organic wholemeal flour (which is unfortified in the uk), yeast and salt.  It is hard to find but not impossible, and I often make my own bread too.


Before you give up on one of the great pleasures in life (good bread), and if you are not gluten intolerant, check the ingredients in the bread  and see what you can find, it may not be that you are gluten intolerant.  It was such  a relief to me to find that I am not gluten intolerant

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