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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Dilemma: Caffeine vs. Major Depression


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Hi, Everybody. I am currently about six weeks off benzos. Over the past few weeks I have been experiencing what I believe to be symptoms of caffeine allergy or intolerance. I have had a rise in my heart rate, itchiness, anxiety, etc. I have also had almost constant shortness of breath and chest tightness. I am a daily caffeine drinker and believed for years that I may be sensitive to it as well as addicted to it.


Therein lies my dilemma. I believe that if I quit caffeine I will eventually feel better; however, caffeine gives me some temporary relief from the psychological benzo withdrawal symptoms, and without it I feel very, very depressed. I guess I just want to know what others going through benzo tapering/withdrawal think about my situation. I know that caffeine is at best a bandaid right now (and at worst, a major symptom contributor, but without it I feel unrelenting dread.


Can I put off giving up caffeine for now?

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I honestly think your symptoms are just the benzo withdrawls. I gave up coffee during the first few months but that was due to the fear of everything. I had never ending anxiety during that time line. And was afraid of my shadow.  I know caffeine can be triggers for some but I think at six weeks what you are feeling is the benzos. Best of Luck. Maybe someone can answer this better for you. Much love and luck.
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During my taper I had to quit coffee several times. I always lapsed, so that an occasional cup did not hurt but when I allowed myself that cup I soon started drinking several cups a day. And then I got anxious again.


It hasn't changed. If I start to feel anxious I have to quit drinking coffee for some time. Even though this might sound I have no self discipline, I still have been able to replace my morning coffee with tea.

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I drink coffee and have all through withdrawal, not only because I like good coffee but because it really helps my depression and cog fog.  I use quality beans, a mixture of 1/2 caf and 1/2 decaf beans. 


The symptoms you describe are common in withdrawal, many of us have them (I did) and they may have nothing to do with coffee or caffeine. 



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I've had a lot of problems with caffeine, on one hand. On the other hand, I've started drinking a little bit of coffee in the mornings lately. I loved coffee before benzo w/d, but I had to quit drinking it altogether for months during tapering and up until a week or so ago. The one noticeable problem for me with coffee is that if I drink too much (and 1/2 cup seems to be too much at this point), the anxiety gets more intense as the day goes on, even more intense six hours later! I feel too anxious and uncomfortable if I overdo it. So I only drink 2 tsp. regular and 2 tsp. decaf, fill the cup halfway, and drink a few sips and that's it. It doesn't sound worth it and also sounds like a waste, but believe it or not, that little bit (or maybe it's a placebo effect) gets me going in the morning. I also like bringing back that familiar routine. To feel normal again in some way means a lot to me.
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I forgot to add that I get shortness of breath when I drink too much coffee. There have been times, every once in awhile, when I would test myself to see if I could drink coffee regularly again. If I had a stronger amount two days in a row, I noticed that I was having shallow breathing as a result. It felt very uncomfortable, so I had to cut way back again. It's been trial and error. 
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Thank you all for your responses. I think I will try very hard to moderate my caffeine use for now--quitting altogether at this point of my benzo withdrawal seems more than I can stand. Thanks again!
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seekingpeace, I'm in a bad wave right now. It feels as if I'm back in acute. The anxiety has come on strong as well as depression, head pressure, and lightheadedness. I was drinking a few sips of coffee each day for maybe two weeks. I've found out this month that I'm still extremely sensitive to coffee, even in small amounts. I was also exercising a lot more than usual. I think it was the combination of both that set off this wave. I'm giving up on the coffee for now and am stopping exercise for a few days, hoping things get better.


Each month I see how much I can do without falling flat on my face. I've never been able to drink coffee and exercise this much without a barrage of symptoms hammering away at me, so I see this as progress.



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Giving up coffee, if you've been a regular, can cause it's own withdrawals.  I have a couple of cups in the morning then switch over to decaf if I still need one more.  :)
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