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can anybody please talk to me about their recovery of cogntive ability


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I desperately need some encouragement. I'm 10.5 months off and haven't seen any recovery in the cog department. Everything else is showing some signs of improvement e.g. sleep, anxiety, and I don't really have much physical sx, but cog seems to be firmly stuck. I can't watch TV, read anything other than benzo related stuff, and memory is shot. For me its becoming a matter of life and death as I'm hurting financially, and need to get a job soon.. I feel that my life is over...
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I don't know where your at in terms of how long you had been on benzos or how much you were taking, but I can tell you what has been happening with me.  I took xanax daily for about 9 months and at most I was taking 1.5 mg total a day.  I finished my taper around 7/1/2014 and my main symptoms I was noticing was derealization.  I had lots of others as well, but this was by far the worst and most aggravating.  After about 1 month I was having windows and waves and after 2 months off the derealization has greatly been reduced.  To be honest, I can't know think of the last time I had a wave of derealization.  I don't think I'm completely out of the woods yet, but it definitely *does* get better.  I know in the midst of it all you feel like you can't remember not being like this and you can't envision ever being normal again, but you will.  Have faith.
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I find my cog fog comes and goes. I am 7.5 months off. I have really tried to keep track of how I feel and what symptoms I have. I have found a profound effect for me at least. I have been up and down like a never ending rollercoaster ride. My main complaint is fear anxiety, panic which leads me to house bound during the wave.  Then in a window my fog lifts it seems for a few days. Then after a episode of fear it seems the fog comes back full force for a few days.  I welcome it all though.  I find my self more content more calm when I have the cog fog. FOR ME, the cog fog is the calm after the storm leading me to another window!  Have you noticed any symptoms or anything before or after your cog fog. 
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