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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

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This board has really helped me. Just feel it's time to give up. Too much pain. Too much loss. Too many meds to taper. No help for this. No way out. More loss and pain.
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Satch, if you are feeling suicidal, please get some in-person help now. Please don't wait. This forum doesn't have the capability of helping with serious suicidal thoughts. I know you have been struggling for quite a while now, and I also know how hard it can be. I believe you are a person worth saving, and I hope that deep down, you feel the same way.

There are suicide helplines out there, and there is always the ER. Please call a hotline or go to an ER. You will not be "judged" - mental health professionals take suicidal thoughts very seriously.

My thoughts will be with you tonight.



Suicide, Self-harm & Threatening Behavior



•Although we deeply sympathize with those experiencing suicidal feelings or ideation, to protect the sensitivities of the greater majority of our members - and most importantly, for your own safety - discussions and commentary regarding suicide, suicide ideation, self-harm, or threats of self-harm are not allowed at this forum. If you experience such feelings or thoughts, you must contact your doctor or other suitable healthcare practitioner. You will find more information on our Suicide, Self Harm & Threatening Behaviour Resource Page.






Edit:  added resource page link




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Why? I don't know, but I know some people DO just get worse for a while. Its called a Big Old Wave..... and waves go away, when they are good and ready to.

Please take good care of yourself, satch, and don't hesitate to go to an ER.



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Why am I getting worse. This is so unfair.


Dear satch :hug:  That's how it is, it gets worse before it gets better.  I know your hurting and scared, you are tougher than you think, please hold on.  It is going to change my friend. You will get better...for sure!!  You will rebuild your life again.


Your feeling weak at the moment because your suffering and feel hopeless, you will get strong again believe me and you will take back your life


Keep hanging in, and promise us you will talk to someone in real time.  We are all concerned about you satch and want you safe.


We all care for you here


Magrita  :smitten:

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This board has really helped me. Just feel it's time to give up. Too much pain. Too much loss. Too many meds to taper. No help for this. No way out. More loss and pain.


Hang in there, satch. I've been on many, many drugs over the years and am down to the last one. And it hasn't been easy.


That being said, I'm looking forward to life off of these drugs. Eventually. It just takes a time.


I have complete faith that I'm going to come off them and do fine.


And I have complete faith that you are, too.


If you are feeling like you can't control the suicidal impulses, please get on the ground help, satch. You are worth it, buddy. You really are.


Keep posting and letting us know how you're doing.


Sending you hugs.  :hug:

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Satch! Pull yourself together, man! I know its hard, but we all lose stuff going through this. I've lost so, so much that I'm crying while typing this out. The intense fear that I get has made it difficult for me to interact with my family, friends, and sometimes even my partner. Pre-benzos I was a social, outgoing butterfly. Always the center of attention and made and provided comic relief wherever I went. I was famous for my stories about weird situations in my life that I got myself into. I can't even play videogames anymore because they are way too intense for me. But you know what? I accept that this is temporary. Whether it be tomorrow, next week, or three years from now...I will heal! And I'll let you in on a secret...you will too ;) Besides...if east can get through a serious withdrawal, so can you! When I feel like im losing my mind I just read easts posts about how she was hallucinating and paranoid. That's all gone for her now! Your depression will lift. Just do what you can to take it day by day, and if you are considering taking your life then call the national hotline. I wanna see you at the finish line when I get there :)
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Guys I'm so scared. I love you all for the support. I am just in need of constant reassurance. I'm totally messed up. Fear meds I'm on are making me worse. Just feel trapped and hopeless. Don't really want to die. How many if you had to lose everything to heal.
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Guys I'm so scared. I love you all for the support. I am just in need of constant reassurance. I'm totally messed up. Fear meds I'm on are making me worse. Just feel trapped and hopeless. Don't really want to die. How many if you had to lose everything to heal.


Unfortunately, too many people have lost everything before they healed - partners, children, money, homes, etc.


But you will get to the point where your mind calms, you can accept the past without mentally fighting, and you'll move on.


Life will be better, satch. I hope you reach a point of calm acceptance soon. It makes the process so much easier. You'll get there. As long as you're breathing, you're healing.  :)

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