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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

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Please maybe some of you can give me some encouragement


I had two weeks where I felt almost back to myself.  It was amazing I cry thinking about it.  Everything is back now.  It came back suddenly out of nowhere.  Im really trying hard to get my life back working and doing things etc.  It was coming easy and now everything is bad again.  Im 11 months off a.5 K c/t that i took for 5 months


i didn't think about benzo withdrawal those two weeks just focused on building strength, working my new job, and playing with my kids


It feels like I'm a month off right now and I'm just disappointed and scared.  I came to the decision not to reinstate about 4 months ago after intense lobbying by people here.  I think that was the right decision theres just no future in these drugs and if I went back on it would just start this whole process over again. I tried to stay away from BB since then because I tend to just get really scared about the whole thing.


Can I do this? Is this really going to end? It feels like Im changed forever but Id like to believe Im not.  Does that two week period mean that Im healing? Please help all you nice people

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Hi JoeB18.  I think it's fantastic you had a two-week window!  And yes, I believe this is a good indication that your healing is coming along nicely.  :thumbsup:


It's just that benzo healing is very often not a linear process.  We experience these windows and waves and when we're hit with a wave --- it feels like it will last forever.  But the wave won't last forever.  It will end and there will be another window on the horizon.  When experiencing a wave, I always tell myself --- remember your windows --- they WILL come again and they always do.


One day, a window will open and it won't close.  You're getting there.  Hang on.  A two-week window is phenomenal!  A wonderful sign of healing.  :mybuddy:

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I know it is very discouraging .... the back and forth hell.

The fact is though, that you had a "good" two weeks.

That good period will return and last longer ..... until eventually it's all good.


Don't despair.  If you keep a journal of the highlights, you will see that you are improving.

It may not be linear .... but it is happening.

Many of us have endured the cycles .... but also many of us have recovered.

It does end!  It is temporary!


Take excellent care of yourself ...

Lizie    :)



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The window means you are healing! They will come more often and last longer.


I had windows so to speak in my head pressure and it eventually went away. Now I am getting very small breaks in my tinnitus.


These windows are a good sign. Keep going, you are gonna make it!

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Thank you for the replies


Im just feeling really sad for myself and family and everyone it feels like I have to crawl back into the cave. its just so depressing.  Yesterday repeating in my head all day was "someone is going to pay for this" but I know deep down the only one paying is me. Its hard to come to terms with that, it would be easier if I was healed and was able to look back.  But the not knowing if and when this will end thats the worst part.


People here are pretty certain about the if but the when nobody knows

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