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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Trazodone and my Bipolar condition


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I was diagnosed with Bipolar disorder and placed on Citalopram Hydrobromide 30 mg/ day in the am and Trazodone HCL 100 mg at bedtime. It took a while but I finally noticed that both drugs were having an adverse effect on my bipolar disorder. The Citalopram gave me heart palpitations and panic attacks and the trazodone made me manic while just about destroying my adrenal glands. I'm weaning myself from both drugs, while working on meditation, walking, and sunlight and fresh air therapy. It's been a long road back. I also have PTSD and the Trazodone was increasing my hyper vigilant condition. Not good! I would like very much to hear from other bipolar and PTSD sufferers who are or have taken either of these drugs.
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Hello Artist123 :hug:  Welcome to benzobuddies


We are a benzodiazepine support forum, however we do have members here tapering off anti-depressants. Is your doctor in support of your taper from these meds?.  I don’t have any personal experiences with Trazodone or Citalopram.  I hope you find some information here that might help you, feel free to check out the forum. We have a great community of caring members and I am sure they will give you much support


We do have a dedicated board for members suffering depression Depression


You might like to ask questions here: Other Medications Board


I was able to locate this Trazodone thread, although it hasn’t been posted to in a while you might get something from it. 


My taper off Trazodone begins tonight!


Can you please add a signature (history of meds/doses etc) it will help members give you relevant advice this link will show you how to”Create a signature”


Welcome aboard




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